Category Archives: kholrabi empanada

Post 196: MOFO Challenge Day 16 What’s your favorite late summer food? Brachot of the first fruits: Yiboneh invites the entire Jerusalem Community to a special presentation by HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz during the 10 days of Teshuva “Becoming Who You Really Are” Thursday September17 This is a fast day- Fast of Gedalia: read the special brachot for Shana Tovah: Kohlrabi croquette

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As the New Year 5776 is fast approaching  (Sept. 14-15 2015) I would like to repeat the blessings that I post every year:
Blessings are usually reserved for the priests. I am not a high priest nor a regular priest. I am but a “poshiter Yid” an ordinary Jew.
In tractate Megillah 15A the Talmud states in the name of Rabbi Eliezer ben Chanina,
Let not the blessing of an ordinary man be lightly esteemed in your eyes”.
To all my treasured subscribers and friends who have been receiving my Free Weekly Taste of Yiddish, and those who have yet to sign up, ( I would like to wish, as an ordinary person, the blessing and prayer that the High Priest recited (alphabetically) when he came out from the Holy of Holy’s in the Temple in Jerusalem on Yom Kippur
יהי רצון מלפניך ה‘ אלקינו ואלקי אבותינו
סזאָל זײַן דײַן ווילן גט אונדזער גט און דער גט פון אונדזערע עלטערן
sol zayn dayn viln Got undzer Got un der Got fun undzere eltern
may it be your will, Hashem, our G-d and the G-d of our forefathers
שתהא השנה הזאת הבאה עלינו ועל כל עמך בית ישראל
אַז דאָס יאָר וואָס קומט אויף אונדז און אויף דײַן יידישן פאָלק ישראלזאָל זײַן
az dos yor vos kumt af undz un af dayn Yidishn folk Yisroel zol zayn
that this year that is coming upon us & upon all the nation of Israel, should be
שנת אוצרך הטוב תפתח לנו,
אַ יאָר וועלכע דו וועסט אונדז אויפעפענען דײַנע אוצרות
a yor velkhe du vest undz ufefenen dayne oytsres
a year in which You open Your treasures for us
שנת אוסם,
אַ יאָר פון שפעזעט
a yor fun shefa, zet
a year of abundance
שנת ברכה,
אַ יאָר וואָס מיר זאָלן געבּענטשט ווערן
a yor vos mir zoln gebentsht vern
a year of blessing
שנת גזרות טובות מלפניך,
אַ יאָר וואָס דו זאָלסט אַרויסגעבּן גוטע גזרות
a yor vos du zolst aroysgebn gute gezeyres
a year of beneficial decrees from before you
שנת דגן תירוש ויצהר,
אַ יאָר פון ווייץווײַן און בּוימל
a yor fun veyts, vayn un boyml
a year of grain, wine and oil
שנת הרוחה והצלחה וקימים,
אַ יאָר פון פאַרבּרייטונגגליק און שטענדיקייט
a yor fun farbreytung, glik un shtendikeyt
a year of expansiveness, success and permanence
שנת ועוד בית מקדשיך,
אַ יאָר פון אַ צוזאַמענקלײַבּונג אין דײַן הייליק הויז
a yor fun a tsuzamenklaybung in dayn heylik hoyz
a year of assembly in Your Holy Temple
שנת זול,
אַ יאָר פון בּיליקע פּרײַזן
a yor fun bilike prayzn
a year of affordable prices
שנת חיים טובים מלפניך,
אַ יאָר ווי דו וועסט אונדז שענקען אַ גוט לעבּן
a yor vi du vest shenken a gut lebn
a year of good life from before You
שנת טלולה וגשומה אם שחונה
אַ יאָר פון טוי און רעגענס אויבּ סוועט זײַן הייס
a yor fun toy un regens oyb s’vet zayn heys
a year that is dewy and rainy, if it is hot (warm temperatures)
שנת ימתיקו מגדים את תנובתם
אַ יאָר ווען די בּעסטע פרוכטן וועלן זיס מאַכן דעם שניט
a yor ven di beste frukhtn veln zis makhn dem shnit
a year when choice fruits sweeten their produce
שנת כפרה על כל עונותינו
אַ יאָר ווען אַלע אונדזערע זינד וועלן פאַרגיבּן ווערן
a yor ven ale undzere zind veln fargibn vern
a year of atonement of all our iniquities
שנת לחמנו ומימינו תברך
אַ יאָר וואָס אונדזער בּרויט און וואַסער וועלן געבּענטשט ווערן
a yor vos undzer broyt un vaser veln gebentsht vern
a year in which You will bless our food and our drink
שנת משא ומתן
אַ יאָר פון האַנדלען
a yor fun handlen
a year of commerce
שנת נבוא לבית מקדשינו
אַ יאָר ווי מיר וועלן קענען קומען אין אונדזער בּית המקדש
a yor vi mir veln kenen kumen in undzer beys hamikdosh
a year when we can come to our Holy Temple
שנת שֹבע
אַ יאָר פון זעט
a yor fun zet
a year of prosperity
שנת ענג
אַ יאָר פון פארגעניגן
a yor fun fargenign
a year of delight
שנת פרי בטננו ופרי אדמתנו תברך
אַ יאָר ווי די פרוכט פון אונדזער בּויך און די פרוכט פון אונדזער ערד וועלן זײַן געבּענטשט
a yor vi di frukht fun undzer boykh un di frukht fun undzer erd veln zayn gebentsht
a year in which You will bless the fruit of our womb & the fruit of our land
שנת צאתנו ובואנו תברך
אַ יאָר ווי דו וועסט בּענטשן אונדזער גיין און קומען
a yor vi du vest bentshn undzer geyn un kumen
a year in which You will bless our going and coming
שנת קהלנו תושיע,
אַ יאָר פון הילף פאַר אונדזערע קהילות
a yor fun hilf far undzere kehiles
a year in which You will save our community
שנת רחמיך יכמרו עלינו
אַ יאָר ווי דו וועסט זיך דערבּאַרעמען אויף אונדז מיט דײַן מיטלײַד
a yor vi du vest zikh derbaremen af undz mit dayn mitlayd
a year in which Your compassion will be stirred upon us
שנת שלום ושלוה
אַ יאָר פון פרידן און רואיקייט
a yor fun fridn un ru’ikeyt
a year of peace and tranquility
שנה שתוליכנו קוממיות לארצנו
אַ יאָר וואָס דו זאָלסט אונדז פירן מיט אַ דערהויבּענע שטאָלצקייט צו אונדזער לאַנד
a yor vos du zolst undz firn mit a derhoybene shtoltskeyt tsu undzer land
a year in which You will lead us with upright pride to our land
שנה שלא תפיל אשה את פרי בטנה,
אַ יאָר וואָס קײַן שום פרוי וועט נישט מפּיל זײַן
a yor vos kayn shum froy vet nit mapil zayn
a year that no woman will miscarry the fruit of her womb
שנה שתעלנו שמחים לארצנו
אַ יאָר ווען דו וועסט אונדז ארויפבּרענגען פריילעכערהייט צו אונדזער לאַנד
a yor ven du vest undz arufbrengn freylekherheit tsu undzer land
a year in which you will bring us up joyously to our land
שנה שלא יצטרכו עמך בית ישראל זה לזה ולא לעם אחר,
אַ יאָר ווי דאָס יידישע פאָלק זאָל נישט דאַרפן אָנקומען איינער צום צווייטן און נישט צו קײַן אַנדער פאָלק
a yor vi dos Yidishe folk zol nit darfn onkumen eyner tsum tsveytn un nit tsu kayn ander folk
a year in which Your people Israel need not be dependent upon one another or upon another people
בתתך ברכה במעשה ידיהם
ווען דו בּאַשענקסט זיי מיט אַ בּרכה אין זייער אַרבּעט
ven du bashenkst zey mit a brokhe in zeyer arbet
as You bestow blessing upon their handiwork

Wishing You the 3 H’s For the New Year



and a Hefty Wallet

אַ כּתיבה וחתימה טובה און אַ גוט


Yiboneh invites the entire Jerusalem Community to a special presentation by HaRav Yitzchak Breitowitz during the 10 days of Teshuva: “Becoming Who You Really Are”

Thursday September 17, 2015 8PM
Ya’el Shul, in Baka, Ya’el Street #4
Admission: 30 Shekels suggested donation
(student discount available)

For more information and reservations

The Fast of Gedalia (/ɡɛdəˈl.ə/ or /ɡəˈdɑːljə/; Hebrew: צוֹם גְּדַלְיָּהTzom Gedalya), also spelled Gedaliah, is a Jewish fast day from dawn until dusk to lament the assassination of the righteous governor of Judah of that name, whose murder ended Jewish autonomy following the destruction of the First Temple.


When the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem, he killed or exiled most of its inhabitants and appointed Gedaliah, son of Achikam, as governor of the now-Babylonianprovince of Judah. Many Jews who had fled to Moab, Ammon, Edom, and other neighboring lands returned to Judah, tended the vineyards again, and enjoyed a new respite after their earlier suffering.

However, Baalis, king of Ammon, was hostile and envious of the Judean remnant and sent a Judean, Yishmael Ben Netaniah, who was descended from the royal family of Judea, to assassinate Gedaliah. In the seventh month (Tishrei) of 582/1 BCE (some four to five years following the destruction of the Temple, although the exact year is unclear and subject to dispute; others claim the assassination took place in the same year as the destruction), a group of Jews led by Yishmael came to Gedaliah in the town of Mitzpa and were received cordially. Gedaliah had been warned of his guest’s murderous intent, but refused to believe his informants, having the belief that their report was mere slander. Yishmael murdered Gedaliah, together with most of the Jews who had joined him and many Babylonians whom the Babylonian King had left with Gedaliah. The remaining Jews feared the vengeance of the Babylonian King (in view of the fact that the King’s chosen ruler, Gedaliah, had been killed by a Jew) and fled to Egypt.,[2]

In Hebrew Bible

The events are recounted briefly in the Hebrew Bible in 2 Kings 25:25–26:

But it came to pass in the seventh month, that Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, the son of Elishama, of the seed royal, came, and ten men with him, and smote Gedaliah, that he died, and the Jews and the Chaldeans that were with him at Mitzpah.
And all the people, both small and great, and the captains of the forces, arose, and came to Egypt; for they were afraid of the Chaldeans.

A fuller account is in Jeremiah, chapter 41,[3] where the murder of a group of envoys and the kidnapping of the gubernatorial staff and family are also related.:

In the seventh month, Ishmael son of Nethaniah son of Elishama, of the royal family, one of the chief officers of the king, came with ten men to Gedaliah son of Ahikam, at Mizpah.
As they ate bread together there at Mizpah, Ishmael son of Nethaniah and ten men with him got up and struck own Gedaliah son of Ahikam son Shaphan with the sword and killed him, because the king of Babylon had appointed him governor in the land.
Ishmael also killed all the Judeans who were with Gedaliah at Mizpah, and the Chaldean soldiers who happened to be there.[4]

Institution of fast

The surviving remnant of Jews was thus dispersed and the land remained desolate. In remembrance of these tribulations, the Jewish sages instituted the ‘Fast of the Seventh’ (see Zechariah 8:19) on the day of Gedaliah’s assassination in the seventh month.

It is suggested that Gedaliah was slain on the first day of Tishrei but the fast is not commemorated until after Rosh Hashanah, since fasting is prohibited during a festival. The Rabbis have said that the aim of this fast day is to establish that the death [i.e. murder] of the righteous is likened to the burning of the House of God. Just as they ordained a fast upon the destruction of the Jewish Temple, likewise they ordained a fast upon the death of Gedaliah.


The fast is observed immediately after the second day of the High Holy Day of Rosh Hashana, the third of Tishrei in the Hebrew calendar. The Gregorian (civil) date for The Fast of Gedalia varies from year to year based on when it corresponds with the third of Tishrei.

16 What’s your favorite late summer food? Kohlrabi Empanadas Kohlrabi croquette. This is a good dish to consume before of after a fast.

Need to sneak some vegetables by a picky eater? These empanadas, inspired by a trip to Mendoza, Argentina, are the perfect vehicle for spicing up boring vegetables. Use homemade dough if you want, but for those short on time as we all usually are, store-bought pie crust works great. Switch up the vegetables with what is in season.


  • YesNo1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • YesNo1 tbsp butter or additional olive oil
  • YesNo3 clove garlic
  • YesNo1 piece ginger
  • YesNo2 kohlrabi bulbs
  • YesNosalt and pepper
  • YesNo1 large yellow squash
  • YesNo2 scallion
  • YesNo1/2 cup chopped spinach
  • YesNo1 pinch nutmeg, ground
  • YesNo1 egg
  • YesNo1 tsp water
  • YesNo1 15 oz pastry from cusmine flour
  • Heat olive oil and butter in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in garlic and ginger.
  • cook and stir until fragrant, about 3 minutes. Stir in kohlrabi, and season with salt and pepper. Cook and stir until kohrabi has softened, 3 to 4 minutes. Toss in yellow squash and continue to cook until squash is tender for 4 more minutes. Stir in the green onion, spinach, and nutmeg. Add more salt and pepper, as needed. Cook until the spinach has wilted, about 1 minutes. Set mixture aside to cool.
  • Preheat an oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Beat the egg with water in a small bowl; set aside.
  • Roll out the pie crust by running a rolling pin over it once or twice. Cut out about 16 6-inch circles using a large cookie cutter or cereal bowl. Fill the center of each circle with about 1 tablespoon of the kohlrabi mixture. Brush the edges of the pastry with water, then fold the dough in half. Crimp the edge of the dough with a fork to seal, and place on the prepared baking sheet. Repeat with the remaining pastry and vegetable filling. Prick each empanada with a fork, then brush with the egg wash.
  • Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown and flaky, 5 to 7 minutes. Serve hot from the oven.