Monthly Archives: July 2023

Post 685: This post is from Sunday . Today. Not published earlier for the sake of our families and friends in the USA and elsewhere: The country is held together over mutual grief. Taken from a Facebook entry; We live in Gush Etzion. On Shabbat/chag my husband was called up to reserve duty. An organized location was made to drive soldiers to their bases. I drove my husband to the location and as he is waiting for his ride a charedi guy is standing next to me. I asked him, so where do you live in the Gush, what base were you called to? He answered, I’m from Jerusalem and I’m just here to drive soldiers to thier bases. Already made a couple runs this morning and now ready to go wherever they need me next.It was such a moving sight seeing everyone getting together doing whatever was necessary. What nation is like Am Israel? Beginning with a Historical Reference. A way to process, absorb our present brutal attack, killings and hostage taking into perspective. Refer below to my painting Farhoud. How to turn 80 years of age with good health ? Just commenting on the last post which went to press before it was edited. Keep your legs at their best using Support Stockings. Please excuse the placement, of photos and text out of order but you should be able to follow. Plays in a psychiatric setting, only in Israel.

Please read until the end the piece by my friend L.S. From Jerusalem

Continue reading Post 685: This post is from Sunday . Today. Not published earlier for the sake of our families and friends in the USA and elsewhere: The country is held together over mutual grief. Taken from a Facebook entry; We live in Gush Etzion. On Shabbat/chag my husband was called up to reserve duty. An organized location was made to drive soldiers to their bases. I drove my husband to the location and as he is waiting for his ride a charedi guy is standing next to me. I asked him, so where do you live in the Gush, what base were you called to? He answered, I’m from Jerusalem and I’m just here to drive soldiers to thier bases. Already made a couple runs this morning and now ready to go wherever they need me next.It was such a moving sight seeing everyone getting together doing whatever was necessary. What nation is like Am Israel? Beginning with a Historical Reference. A way to process, absorb our present brutal attack, killings and hostage taking into perspective. Refer below to my painting Farhoud. How to turn 80 years of age with good health ? Just commenting on the last post which went to press before it was edited. Keep your legs at their best using Support Stockings. Please excuse the placement, of photos and text out of order but you should be able to follow. Plays in a psychiatric setting, only in Israel.