Monthly Archives: March 2016

Post 293: Events for April: Sunday, April 10th starting 8 am TOUR: TO BEDOUIN VILLAGE OF KHAWALED, BOOK LAUNCH: BDS FOR IDIOTS Barry Shaw speaks on his new book. He is a consultant on delegitimization Issues, founder of the Netanya Terror Victims organisation.,Monday, April 11th at 7.30 pm TALK: PEACE EDUCATION: The Alternative To The New PA / UNRWA War Curriculum Guest speaker David Bedein, Director of The Israel Resource News Agency, Center for Near East Policy Research

Purim leftovers and extra chometz

Chasdei Nomi  will pick up extra Purim leftovers

and extra chometz. There will be a box at 26 Shaulzon, Apt 8, (Har Nof few steps down) to deposit food items. Please only leave things that are sealed and
do not require refrigeration or they will be thrown away. Can leave things
till Rosh Chodesh Nisan.

There are many tempting events and venues in this post to distract us from Passover preparation. They are not in any particular order. Many are far afield, criss-crossing the country; One originates in Ra’anana (April 10th), another is a book-talk in Natanya (April 10th) another in Jerusalem on Palestinian school curriculum (April 11th). Tours, Classes, and Convention Sunday, 24th April from 2 pm to 5.30 pm כנס פסח של תנועת לאור CONVENTION PESACH LAOR The Bi-annual Convention of the Laor Movement.

 details follow

Don’t miss the Sounds of the Old City Festival this week, March 28-31


Sunday, April 10th starting 8 am


Khawaled is in Lower Galilee, the home village of Ishmael Khaldi, Israel’s first Bedouin Diplomat, recently returned from tour of duty at Israel Embassy in London. Tour includes chat and refreshments with Ishmael Khaldi’s family.

Hear background explanation about the village and a walking tour around the village. Organized by Esra, Ramat Aviv. The outing will include quite a bit of walking and is suitable only for participants who do not need assistance.

Pick Up points:

Ramat Aviv, in the parking lot off Tagor Street (behind Supersol) at 8 am.

Ra’anana, opposite Ahuzat Bayit at 8.45. Prior registration required, phone 09-7482957. Price: 130.00 shekels (members 110.00 shekels).

Lunch: bring your own, or pre-order (vegetarian lunch of hummus, pita and salads @ 35 shekels to be paid on the bus.)

In English.

Sunday, April 10th at 10 am


Barry Shaw speaks on his new book. He is a consultant on delegitimization Issues, founder of the Netanya Terror Victims organization. Also author of Israel Reclaiming the Narrative and Fighting Hamas, BDS and Anti-Semitism.

Also quiz and chance to win a copy of this important book. At AACI Netanya, 28 Shmuel HaNatziv Street, Netanya. In English.

Monday, April 11th at 7.30 pm

TALK: PEACE EDUCATION: The Alternative To The New PA / UNRWA War Curriculum

Guest speaker David Bedein, Director of The Israel Resource News Agency, Center for Near East Policy Research speaks on an enormously important issue. Is there an alternative? Bedein’s center has recently commissioned the translations of the new PA /

UNRWA school books and presented the results to the US Congress.

Part of the Monday Evening Forum series at the United Synagogue Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center, 8 Agron St, Jerusalem.

Coordinator: Elyse Kruger. Admission 20 shekels. In English

Sunday, 24th April from 2 pm to 5.30 pm

כנס פסח של תנועת לאור CONVENTION PESACH LAOR

The Bi-annual Convention of the Laor Movement.

Discussions on current political events and developments, with the aim of finding answers to

Israel’s social, economic and security problems. Laor’s name )ר”לאו — חדשה ורוח אחד לב )from

Ezekiel 11:19, is an ideological movement founded in 1979, in reaction to the post Yom Kippur War, when the general public became increasingly aware of declining norms of society and government. Founded by retired paratroop colonel Yaakov Hisdai, lawyer and historian, it attracted many of the country’s finest thinkers and formulated a framework for setting Israel on a path to a better future.

Undoubtedly one of the most serious ideological groups in the country that warrants much

more attention and support from the public and active participation of anyone who truly cares about Israel.

Laor has no connection with any political party. For more information on Laor see website (in Hebrew – it does have an English section) or contact Yaakov Waiman: (in Hebrew). Admission free. In Hebrew. Have no details about where the conference will be held.

                         During the Napoleonic Wars an argument between  three leaders of the Hasidim, occured: Who should we pray for victory? Napoleon’s victory carried with it freedom and equality to the Jews, or the victory Magid “Koznitz and “hhozh” Lublin supported Napoleon – if he wins would be good for the Jews.

III – Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Chabad dynasty father called to pray for victory Russians – if they win would be bad for the Jews, but good for Judaism.

It seems that the principle coined by Rabbi Shneur Zalman pretty well right: What is good is not  always good  for the religious and Judaism too.

  ( “Jews in trouble,” Yaakov Hasdai, I Tishrei Tsn”z, 22.09.1996,  in the book “on the verge of Jubilee”) .

Wednesday, April 27th


Guide: Eve Harow. Route and schedule: Ma’ale Shomron – meet with Dani Dayan, former chairman of Judea and Samaria (Yesha) Council, appointed as ambassador; visit ruins of Israelite houses of the 1st Temple Era; Karnei Shomron and their cutting edge security system – meet with community leaders; Kedumim — bring your own kosher l’Pesach lunch for picnic; Gba’ot Winery near Shilo.

Organized by the One Israel Fund. Leaves from Liberty Bell Park (behind the Sonol Gas Station) at 8.15 am. Returns about 6.30 pm Subject to change depending on security and weather. More details:
pesach-2016/ Cost $65 )$55 for students and children) includes armoured transportation, entrance fees, water. For reservations and additional information email or call Ayala Waltuch English.

Social Media
by: Shari Pilo

 Thursday, April 7th 09:30-12:45

Basic social media: What do I post? Where do I post? When do I post?
Social media strategy, web marketing use of social media,
learning the techniques to create your web presence and determining the
kind of site your business needs.
Your questions answered!
This workshop will provide you with the information to understand
the secrets of social media platforms.

מט”י ירושלים | | ירושלים | רח’ האומן 9, תלפיות | 9152101 | Israel | 02-6794242

להסרה מרשימת התפוצה | דווח כספאם

Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at 8:00 pm

Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies

29 Pierre Koenig Street, Talpiot, Jerusalem , Israel

Torat Hayim A Living Torah: The Thoughts of Rabbi Professor Eliezer Berkovits z”l.

In this 6-part lecture series, Rahel Berkovits looks at the thoughts of her grandfather, Rabbi Professor Eliezer Berkovits z”l. What is the interplay between Torah and real life situations? How do ancient texts apply to modern times? The philosophy of R. Berkovits will be examined through the lens of his writings on women and Jewish law, conversion and the unity of the Jewish people, the problem of Agunot, a sexual ethic in modern time, and the challenges of Prayer.

This week: A Jewish Sexual Ethic. Berkovits’ felt that in the modern era people needed a guiding religious principle in which to maneuver the many message regarding sex they were receiving in secular culture. How does one’s relationship with God affect one’s sexual encounters? What do traditional rabbinic texts have to say to us on this important issue?

“To personalize the impersonal sexual instinct is thus a twofold responsibility towards God and towards one’s partner in the bio-psychic encounter of the sexual union. However, on the level of the interpersonal encounter, responsibility stems from the biblical commandment: ‘And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,’ which in the area of the God-man encounter receives the formulation, ‘Thou shalt love the Eternal, thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might.” (Crisis and Faith p.60).

40 NIS per lecture

30 NIS online booking

20 NIS students

A Series offered for the community




Post 292 What is special about Purim in Jerusalem. Brussles under lock-down, Purim Jerusalem map link :Future of the legal battle against BDS meets in Israel YNET News | March 18, 2016 -Geek Picnic – A futuristic Luna Park for the whole family in Jerusalem, Israel. April 25-27, 2016 Several ways to prepare and uses of vegetables like spaghetti squash and sweet potato for Shalach Manot -post Purim Juice Cleanse

Preparations were started for Purim Day at about 8:30 A.M.

This is a scene before a Purim fest. The young people have taken over the out-door plaza, sort of a circle in the round, and brought in walls of beer cartons.. An ambitious entrepreneur is prepared for the crowd.


A Crowd of young folks listening to recitation of the megillah in the Trumpador Cafe.

Every year I look forward to Purim, the holiday to celebrate the miracle of the Jewish people’s deliverance from a decree of King Achashverosh to destroy them.   What is so special about Purim in Jerusalem? Here, turn a corner and see the hand of Hashem (so to speak) at work, where we experience free-flowing unrestricted joy. I’ll turn to up-coming events and then describe my plans for the next few days including some of my miraculous events.

Unfortunately, today the Jewish Community in Brussels does not anticipate Purim with the same Simcha this year. The community is under a lockdown, Shimon Bretholz, a Jewish community worker, describes the massive security presence that always accompanies Jewish activities in Brussels differently. “It…massively destroys us all.” The never-ending fear and feeling of always being on high alert are exhausting. The week of the attack was meant to be a light moment when Brussels Jewish community would come together to celebrate Purim with some high profile communal events. Residents were planning a major Purim party for the whole city and expected a thousand attendees, all hearing the Book of Esther together and celebrating the holiday. Instead, all public events have been cancelled. In the hours after the attacks, Brussels’ Jewish communal leaders set up a situation room, monitoring the security in their city. “They fear there will be more attacks and (warn against) taking any unnecessary risks,” Rabbi Menachem Margolin, CEO of the Brussels-based European Jewish Association, explained to Israeli newspapers.

Rabbi Margolin, whose office is located next to the bombed Maelbeek metro station, says, “The Jewish community here in Brussels and in Europe in general is not surprised… We’ve been receiving alerts for a long time now. Despite the shock the city experienced, we were not surprised. Of course, we feel the concern and the pressure, but we were really not surprised by everything that’s going on in the city. It was only a matter of time before such an attack happened.“Today was awful, unbelievable, such darkness…” Isabelle Steinkalik recounted to Brussels looked like a “death city. People are afraid. When it was just terrorism against Jewish people they didn’t so deeply care. Now it’s changed. People are realizing terrorists can kill anybody.” Brussels’ main Jewish school dismissed its students at 12:30, asking parents to pick up their children one at a time to avoid having a crowd in front of the building. Brussels resident and community activist Shimon Bretholz was one of the terrified parents picking up their children. “There is no future for Jews in Brussels,” he adamantly told “There is also not a future for Jews in Europe.” He would like to move to Israel, he explained, but first needs to find a job. Isabelle Steinkalik concurs; Brussels’ Jews are leaving, moving to Israel and other places. Rates of aliyah increased 25% in 2015 for Belgian Jews; overall about 200 Belgian Jews relocate to Israel each year.


Yesterday morning I stepped back when I saw this person approaching me. Look closely at the details of the costume. Amazing? He was with a friend at about 8:00AM about to make his appearance at a High School called the Gymnasia. The whole school was involved with decorating and dressing up.

Purim Events in the city are displayed in the following link: Map:

Attempts to destroy Israel and the Jewish people are being fought today. The future of the legal battle against BDS meets in Israel
YNET News | March 18, 2016


45 lawyers, scholars, and judges from around the world convene in Israel for an eight-day seminar to meet with top Israeli legal experts and learn ways to fight BDS, employing their legal expertise.

Participants of anti-BDS legal seminar

An eight-day seminar, bringing 45 lawyers, scholars, and judges from all over the world to aid Israel in its fight against BDS, started earlier this week in Israel.

The goal of the seminar, organized by Israeli NGO Shurat HaDin, is to help its participants learn about the security threats facing Israel and how the country is fighting for its defense and international image. Israeli legal experts will give lectures to the visiting jurists, and high-ranking security officials will provide briefings.

Among the planned activities for the participants are meetings with Justice Elyakim Rubinstein, the deputy president of the Supreme Court; renowned American jurist Professor Alan Dershowitz; Lt.-Col. Menachem Lieberman, the president of the Ofer military court; Daniel Reisner and Pnina Sharvit, lawyers who are experts in international law; and Kent Yalowitz, a lawyer from Arnold and Porter, which won a lawsuit against the Palestinian Authority.

Seminar attendees will participate in two workshops with experts, who will teach them how to fight BDS on university campuses with the help of legal tools and social media. They will also tour courts and observe ongoing terror trials in addition to visiting the security barrier, West Bank checkpoints, and the Lebanese and Syrian borders.

A lawyer who is participating in the seminar said that he specifically wanted to come to Israel at the height of current violence to understand what is happening in the region and to what extent Israel is threatened in terms of security and policy. He added that he is interested in hearing the perspective of high-ranking security officials to receive a fuller picture and hopes to understand how he can help Israel in its fight against BDS and terror.

The goal of the seminar is to create a network of jurists who can help Israel fight against BDS and those calling for Israel’s destruction with legal tools. The participants will brainstorm ways to fight terror and delegitimization with their legal talents.

“We hope that the selected group will create a basis for an international network to fight for Israel in courts of law throughout the world,” said Nitzvah Darshan Leitner, the director of Shurat HaDin. “The State of Israel desperately needs forces to fight against the threats it faces. Additionally, many Jewish and non-Jewish lawyers want to help the State of Israel fight for its existence. This seminar is a meeting of those two forces.”
YNET News. All rights reserved.

Shurat HaDin – Israel Law Center

10 Hata’as St. Ramat Gan, 52512 Israel
Phone: 972-3-7514175    |    Fax: 972-3-7514174

It seems that nothing really changes, except the story of my Shalach Manot and miracle accompanying the making (albeit small) :

These are the size of pizza sauce jars. I used a kilo of apples, 500 grams of celery, 250 grams parsley, lemon and ginger

 In years past I have made pastries. This year the gifts to our friends will be 4oz of a juice to sparkle up the internal organs, and a spicy spaghetti squash muffin (two foods requires for each Shalach Manot, which means sending gifts). The 100% juice consists of  apples, celery, parsley, lemon and ginger.  I am storing these ingredients in my crowded fridge and literally on every surface close to a sink.

Preparations started about a week ago. The bottle collection came from ones I’ve been storing over a period. However, many bottles have no caps. I was about to carve out cork bottle caps for my bottles. However, I discovered that wine bottle corks are for the most part made from a plastic material .

As Hashem helps us when we are doing a mitzvah, the way to get my caps became revealed.

This past Shabat, I went to the kiddush that was held next to the shuk. A community pot luck affair. The picnic blankets were spread out and every few meters a bottle of wine was  standing waiting to be poured. A few hundred young people gathered dressed informally. Here and there fellows in sprawling white gotchkes and shirts, with solid walking shoes, were scouting the ladies.

I started a conversation with Shlomo.

Image result for vintage men's hat biltmore

Shlomo proudly donned a BILTMORE New York Fur Felt Fedora Hat, like the one in the above photograph, a dapper vintage model from the 1940’s. Since he offered to share the origin of his top-hat, I commented that his collar was a “Chesterfield”, the type of velvet collar often a top a vintage glen plaid in this case a black and grey wool jacket, that went well with his slight build. That too was a glen plaid, but I didn’t want to overwhelm him with details. He was the most formally dressed in the crown, with the exception of the yeshivah boys, and they without suit jackets. This really gave away the fact that Shlomo was a visitor. Friends on the spot, that’s Jerusalem.

Shlomo is a film-maker and was thoroughly enjoying his time in Jerusalem, making a friend for future visits and perhaps for the eventual day that he would move to Israel. His work has extended to Jerusalem. He put together the video for Beer Bazaar, one of the trendiest places in the Machana Yehudah Shuk.

Avi Moskowitz, who opened the Beer Bazaar in Jerusalem's bustling Mahane Yehuda market (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)
Avi Moskowitz, who opened the Beer Bazaar in Jerusalem’s bustling Mahane Yehuda market (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

I’ll tell you a little about the beer bazaar.

Avi Moskowitz, 51, a Brooklyn native and former hi-tech employee, is a father of four and grandfather of three. He has spent the last 20 years on the New York-Efrat line, until he decided to settle in Jerusalem a couple of months ago. It seems that the passion that led him to swap the delights of the US for the Israeli swamp has also served him well in his choice of business.Packed every night despite the fear”As long as we were bringing up children, we preferred to live in the suburbs,” Moskowitz says. “We thought it would be better for them. “When they had grown up, we decided to return to city life. We bought an apartment 300 meters from the market, but we thought more time would pass before we’d move there. When our daughter made aliyah with our grandchildren, the penny dropped and we realized that we wanted to be there, only there.”

Jerusalemites swap fear for beer

Brooklyn-born Avi Moskovitz’s friends told him he had to be crazy to open a pub in Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda market now. But Moskowitz, who worked in hi-tech, opened Beer Bazaar in the heart of the market, selling Israeli beer only. This is Jerusalem syndrome, the party version.When Jerusalem’s restaurant owners are talking about a significant decrease in customers over the last few weeks, the light rail is almost empty of people and fear continues to dominate the streets, you would need to be crazy – or at least crazy about something – to open a bar right now. But judging by what went on at Jerusalem’s Beer Bazaar last weekend, the crazy gamble has paid off.

Packed every night despite the fear

The exterior of the Beer Bazaar (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)
The exterior of the Beer Bazaar (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)

“And when we got to the apartment and saw it we knew we wanted to move in,” Moskowitz continues. “The market is an incredible place, you experience everything here. Only this morning two terrorists were walking around here trying to stab people. I was in the bar when it happened, people were walking around the market, noise started, we realized something was going on. It was a mess and then after a few hours everything was relaxed again.

“The next decision was to make an old dream come true here and open a bar in which people of all kinds would sit together, drink beer, eat something and chat. I didn’t believe I’d do it, and everyone around me said I was crazy. But for me, the market is the place to try, there’s a lot of movement here, and curious people, and it works. With all that’s happening and despite the tough conditions, the place is full every night. I sometimes think I’ve developed Jerusalem syndrome – but I actually feel blessed, not as if I’ve sacrificed something.”

Over a hundred boutique Israeli bottled beers are on offer at the Beer Bazaar, and nine on tap. Moskowitz only sells Israeli brews – he sees it as the Zionist response to the European boycott of Israeli products. The establishment has a Rabanute Hechchshir

Also Shlomo added that his video for Beer Bazaar had was selected in the bar’s  competition. That impressed me. I decided to view it. It was very well done.

The above conversation with Shlomo resonated with me, and on Monday, I ventured into the busy bar ( at 2PM and asked if I would be able to speak to the chef). I met Chaim David who was filling an order and in bits and pieces I described my Shalach Manot project of “bottling” my health juice concoction. Without batting an eyelash, he said, “Come back tomorrow and I’ll have some caps for you. I’ll show you the knack of putting the caps on the bottles.” That was Monday. I was expecting old caps.

Later, I called Beer Bazaar to confirm that I was coming by. I definitely didn’t want to show up at a bad time. I reached Helen Moskowitz, Beer Bazaar’s co-owner. She patiently listened to my request. She was busy and in a short time returned my call, promising to leave the caps behind the bar. That was very gracious.

I’m always pushing borders. When I arrived, at about 6PM there was a crowd around the bar. No staff to help me cap my bottles with the juice that was sitting in my wagon. That wall of shinning Israeli beer bottles was an attraction. Apparently, the health authorities are looking the other way and not looking over the shoulder of Israel’s several hundred “Boutique Breweries”. I hitched up to a lady sitting next to the wall of beers who was part of a threesome. Thought maybe they would recommend a particular light beer. Helen Moskowitz came over with the caps and explained that non of the boutique beers have a Hechshir that I would use. That was disappointing.
I continued my conversation with the Australian lady and learned that they had just arrived from Australia. The third member of the group, a young woman, identified herself as a student of my daughter. In fact, we have  been in the same class! Just made another Jerusalem friend.


Today I finished peeling about ten lbs. of apples. Tomorrow, we’ll find a way to seal the caps.

Rather than mechanically peeling the apples, I thought “how may one prevent the peeled apples from browning” ?

Aside from adding lemon juice, I’ve never given much thought to apple flesh. A bruised apple starts  hemorrhaging and the visible browning internal process.

Apples, like most fruit are very delicate. And as my Korean greengrocer in New York City advised, “never wash fruit until you serve it”. I would add another caveat, “handle fruit minimally, gently and at your own risk”. I examined  my peeling method.  Compare peeling an apple to demolishing a house. Demolition takes place from the “core” outwards. The outside walls are the last to come down. Similarly, rather than core the apple, I sliced a bunch in half and turned them over, then cored and then peeled. This left a minimum of the apple’s surface to be exposed to the air to deteriorate. Minimum handling.






If Purim is here then Pesach is only a month away. Both chagim appeal to me because they are about appreciating the miracles that have been showered on the Jewish people. And each with their story, is different every time it is told.

As a child, I relished the toasted almonds in shells that my father would prepare. He would watch them meticulously. My brothers and I would wait for them and of course fight for our share.

Now it isn’t necessary to wait for a feast of nuts. So where is Daddy to roast those nuts? Perhaps he is out gathering  the snacks from the shuk or working late to earn big bucks to take the kids out to amusements during Chol Ha Moed? Does the following sound like the city selling out to a developer?

The following is a description of Geek Picnic – A futuristic Luna Park for the whole family in Jerusalem, Israel. April 25-27, 2016.

Continue reading Post 292 What is special about Purim in Jerusalem. Brussles under lock-down, Purim Jerusalem map link :Future of the legal battle against BDS meets in Israel YNET News | March 18, 2016 -Geek Picnic – A futuristic Luna Park for the whole family in Jerusalem, Israel. April 25-27, 2016 Several ways to prepare and uses of vegetables like spaghetti squash and sweet potato for Shalach Manot -post Purim Juice Cleanse

Post 291:Making soup from any assortment of vegetable, Recipe Carrot, Celery Potato Cream Soup, Take precautions- List of Produce with most pesticides and link to list in Israel : 1חמישה עשר המזוהמים ענביםענבים 2 סלרי 3 תפוח עץ 4 פירות הדר 5 סלק 6 כוסברה 7 שמיר 8 חסה 9 נענע 10 לקט עלי בייבי 11 אגס 12 קולרבי 13 אפרסק 14 תפו”א 15 פל 1. Grapes Preparing Artichokes.

This post is about SOUP, the vegetables that go into soups and cautions that some vegetables and fruits in Israel are contaminated with large amounts of insecticides. Also included is how to prepare artichokes.

Soup — it’s the easiest way to warm up  on a cold day and to feed yourself and your family in one delicious and healthy bowl. But you don’t need a recipe to make soup, especially if you have a clutch of miscellaneous vegetables hanging out in your crisper. Nearly any vegetable can be turned into soup with a little time and effort.

If you are craving soup and you have vegetables and broth in your cupboard, you’re all set. Here’s a step-by-step guide to transforming nearly any kind of vegetable into delicious, nourishing soup.

What Kind of Vegetable? Any Kind?

Yep, nearly any vegetable will make tasty soup. sweet potato, zucchini, squash, turnip, tomato, celery, mushrooms, onions, leeks, cabbage, kale, and chard. potatoes, rutabaga, celeriac, cauliflower, broccoli — the list goes on.

The only caveat is that you need to like the flavor of the vegetable. You can tone down turnips’ bitterness with cream or yogurt, and you can offset cabbage’s aroma with creamy white beans or tart lemon, but you can’t entirely erase the taste of a vegetable in soup, so don’t put something in that you really don’t like.

Also, nearly any texture of vegetable will work, from tender greens to hard squash, but the cooking time will change. A big pot of chard will cook down quickly, while butternut squash will need more time.

What Else Do You Need?

The essentials are vegetables and stock, plus olive oil or butter and some salt and pepper.

After that, all is optional. I usually add some aromatics — onion, garlic, or leeks — and some fresh herbs. You can flavor the vegetables with smoked salt or spices, like curry powder or cumin. I sometimes add a splash of wine to the stock.

After the soup is finished there are so many other ways to jazz it up — a can of diced tomatoes, a can of white beans or chickpeas, a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese or a dollop of yogurt.

What’s the Basic Method?

Cut about a pound of vegetables into a medium dice — about an inch across — or smaller if you’re using a hard, dense vegetable, like potato or winter squash. Sauté the vegetables in a little olive oil or butter, keeping the heat to low and letting the veggies really cook and develop flavor. Brown the vegetables if you want to. After the vegetables have softened and developed some fragrance and flavor, add about 4 cups of stock, cover and simmer. (Even water will do, in a pinch!) Simmer for about an hour or until all the vegetables are soft. Puree the soup in a blender or with an immersion blender for a creamy soup, if you like. Voilà! You have easy, flavorful vegetable soup.

To Puree or Not to Puree

When you cook vegetables in stock like this, you have a choice. You can stop cooking when the vegetables are al dente and tender, and slurp up your soup as it is — chunks and all, an improvised vegetable stew.

Or you can puree the soup until creamy. This works with any kind of soup, and you’ll be surprised at how creamy a soup can be with no dairy at all. But I tend to like this best with sweet, dense vegetables like squash and sweet potato.

It’s up to you — to puree or not to puree!

How To Make Soup from Any Vegetable

Serves 4 to 6

What You Need

1 to 2 pounds vegetables
Aromatics, such as onion, garlic, or leeks
Olive oil or unsalted butter
Salt and pepper
4 to 6 cups stock

Cutting board
Chef’s knife
4-quart (or larger) pot or Dutch oven, with lid
Wooden spoon


  1. Choose and weigh 1 to 2 pounds of vegetables: I had quite a lot of vegetables in my refrigerator. I chose the ones that needed to be used up the soonest: a small head of cauliflower, and some carrots. I weighed them and they came out to about 2 pounds, although I knew the cauliflower would break down to much less when trimmed.

  2. Cut up the vegetables and aromatics: I chopped up the trimmed cauliflower and unpeeled carrots into evenly-sized chunks. I also chopped up 1 leek and 2 cloves of garlic.

  3. Heat olive oil: I heated up about 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat.

Soup 101 Part 2

Choose Your Own Soup Adventure: Instead of olive oil, try butter, ghee, or coconut oil for sautéing the aromatics. Or start instead with chopped chicken thighs, or ground meat or lamb, and slowly render the fat then cook the aromatics. For aromatics, use a whole onion instead of the leeks, or add more garlic. Add finely diced fresh ginger, or chili peppers.

  1. Sauté aromatics: I added the leeks and garlic to the oil first and cooked gently .
    1. Cut up the vegetables and aromatics: I chopped up the trimmed cauliflower and unpeeled carrots into evenly-sized chunks. I also chopped up1 leek and 2 cloves of garlic.
    2. Heat olive oil: I heated up about 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a Dutch oven over medium heat.

    3. Choose Your Own Soup Adventure: Instead of olive oil, try butter, ghee, or coconut oil for sautéing the aromatics. Or start instead with , chopped chicken thighs, or ground meat or lamb, and slowly render the fat then cook the aromatics. For aromatics, use a whole onion instead of the leeks, or add more garlic. Add finely diced fresh ginger, galangal, or chili peppers.

    1. Brown the vegetables: Then I added the chopped carrot and cauliflower and continued cooking for several minutes. The vegetables softened slightly and browned around the edges.
    2. Season the vegetables: It’s best to season the vegetables at this point, especially if you’re using low-sodium broth. Vegetables need salt and pepper, and if you are adding other seasonings such as spices or dried herbs, add them now so they flavor the soup from the ground up. I added about a half teaspoon each of cumin, chili powder, and smoked paprika.

    6-Choose Your Own Soup Adventure: To flavor the soup, raid your spice cupboard. Try curry powder, chili powder, cumin, cinnamon, or any other warm and toasty spices. Get creative with salt; try smoked salt or truffle salt. Add dried herbs such as mint, oregano, or sage.

    1. Add broth: Add 4 to 6 cups of broth and bring to a simmer. Add a sprig of fresh herbs now if desired.
    2. Cover and simmer: Turn the heat down to low and cover the pot. Let cook for about 30 minutes, then check the soup. Are the vegetables as soft as you would like? If you want to leave the vegetables intact, take the soup off the heat now. If you want the vegetables very soft for pureeing, keep cooking until they are falling apart.
    3. Taste and season: Whether you are leaving the vegetables intact or pureeing the soup, make sure to taste the soup as it finishes cooking. A bland soup is no one’s fault but the cook’s! If it seems flat, add some vinegar or lemon juice. If it is too salty, thin out with some extra broth or dairy.

    Choose Your Own Soup Adventure: Once the soup has finished cooking, you can jazz it up more, especially if you’re not pureeing it. Add the last handful of leftover cooked pasta or a few crumbles of cooked ground turkey or beef. Lay cooked strips of chicken breast on top of each bowl. Add a 1/4 cup of rice, quinoa, or another grain, and simmer until done. Add a can of beans, chickpeas, or tomatoes, and simmer until warmed through.

    1. Puree if desired: Once the vegetables are very soft, you can puree the soup in a blender or with a stick blender if you like. Rewarm gently after blending.

    Choose Your Own Soup Adventure: When pureeing the soup, you can add flavor and creaminess by adding beans, tofu, coconut milk, yogurt, or other dairy

    Sauté aromatics: I added the leeks and garlic to the oil first and cooked gently for about 5 minutes or until they were fragrant and soft. At any point you may use a pressure cooker.

Carrot, Celery & Potato Cream Soup

Prep time
10 mins
Cook time
30 mins
40 mins
 Serves: 5


  • 2 tbsp unsalted butter

  • 5 medium carrots, chopped

  • ½ yellow onion, chopped

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 5 medium celery stalks, chopped

  • 2 large potatoes

  • 6 cups chicken broth

  • ½ cup half and half

  • 2 tsp oregano

  • 1 tsp pepper

  • 1 tsp parsley


  1. Heat butter in a large stock pot over medium heat.

  2. Wash and chop celery and onion and toss into pot.

  3. Chop garlic cloves in half and add in. Simmer for 7 minutes covered.

  4. Wash, peel, and chop carrots and potatoes and add into pot.

Caution: Most Polluted Items in Israel from:

1חמישה עשר המזוהמים ענביםענבים 2 סלרי 3 תפוח  עץ 4 פירות הדר 5 סלק 6 כוסברה 7 שמיר 8 חסה 9 נענע 10 לקט עלי בייבי 11 אגס 12 קולרבי 13 אפרסק 14 תפו”א 15 פל

1. Grapes

2. Celery

3. Apples

4. Citrus fruits

5. Beets

6. Coriander

7. Dill

8. Lettuce

9. Mint

10. “Baby” greens

11. Pear

12. Kohlrabi

13. Peach

14. Potato

15. Pepper

Least polluted items:

1. Passion fruit

2. Avocado

3. Sprouts

4. Sweet potato

5. Onions

More advanced: Artichoke Prep:

To trim your artichokes:

Actually, before I get into the details of trimming, let’s just establish what we’re after. We’re after the tender. meaning, we want to trim any tough outer leaves, tips, and stem. We want to get down to the tender parts of the leaves, without trimming so much that we have little left. To start, trim the stem. Pull the outer leaves from the artichoke, until you get down to the more tender leaves.

Cut off the top of the artichoke (roughly where it begins to taper in), you want to remove the tough part of the tips. From here decide what shape you’d like your artichoke pieces to be. For this preparation, I cut each artichoke in halves, and/or quarters.

If you are using larger artichokes, ones that have developed a fuzzy choke, you’ll need to use a teaspoon (or mellon baller) to carve the fuzz out before moving on to your final cuts. Work efficiently, and get the trimmed artichokes in the lemon water as quickly as possible to reduce browning from oxidation.

While prepping the artichokes, bring a medium saucepan of water to a boil. Salt well, and use a slotted spoon to transfer them from the lemon water to the boiling water. Boil until just tender, typically a minute or two. Drain well, and set aside. Alternately, you can steam the artichokes – this will keep more of the nutrients .

Either way, you want the artichokes to be cooked tender (and feel free to eat them at this point)!

I can’t resist a bit of crust and crunch to them, so….

Heat a tablespoon of oil or clarified butter in a large saucepan over medium high heat. When hot, transfer the artichokes to the pan in a single layer. Toss to coat, and add a pinch or two of salt. Allow to saute, tossing every few minutes, until the artichokes are deeply golden and crusted.

You can enjoy these immediately, or at room temperature, or you can save them for a few day, refrigerated, in a coating of olive oil (drain before using)….

A few other notes:

Buying Artichokes: Your success here is going to depend on sourcing good artichokes. Look for tight, dense examples. This is a sign that they have been recently harvested. If you see the leaves have started to flower out, separate, or dry out, give them a pass.

Storage: Store artichokes in a bag in your refrigerator until ready to use. That said, try to use them quickly – within few days of purchase. The sooner the better.

Add-ins: This technique makes beautiful artichokes in their own right, but occasionally I like to flare them out with other things I have on hand. they have a great affinity for olives, orange zest, chopped almonds, chile flakes, fennel, anise, and lemon oil.

Great-on: Once you have a skillet of these, you can eat them on their own, or use them in/on all sorts of things. This artichoke season I’ve had them on farro risotto, quinoa, frittata, pureed cauliflower soup, and chopped into a ravioli filling. As I’m typing this, I’m imagining they’d be amazing as a component in a dumpling filling, or spring roll.

Prep time: 15 min – Cook time: 10 min

I cut off any protruding stem but don’t do any more trimming than that, then simply steam them covered. Next to the pot I place an oven-save dish with a little butter in it, which melts while they cook about an hour. You can’t eat the entire leaves, of course, but that means you have a handle (the top, inedible part of the leaf) for dipping in the melted butter! The heart is the best part, and just needs to have the hair scraped off and be cut up (and of course dipped in the butter).

I purchased these chokes in the shuk for about $ .25 a lb. or 2 sh/kilo. The man next to me advised me  to buy when the tips are closed.

What You’ll Need:

For the Sauce

1 Medium Yellow Onion (chopped)

5 Garlic Cloves (thinly sliced)

3 Medium Celery Roots (peeled and sliced)

1 TSP. Ground Turmeric

Dash of Paprika (regular & hot), Coriander, S&P

Juice from 1 medium Lemon

2 C. Filtered Water

For the Artichoke Hearts

20 Frozen Artichoke Hearts (defrosted)

Juice from 1 large Lemon

For the Meat Filling

500-600 Grams of Ground Beef (shoulder)

Drizzle of Olive Oil

1 Medium Yellow Onion (minced)

3-5 Garlic Cloves (minced)

1 Large Parsley Root, small piece of yam, and celery root (grated)

1 C. Chopped Parsley

1/2 C. Pine Nuts

1/3 C. Pistachios (coarsely ground)

Paprika (regular & hot), Coriander, S&P, to taste


Place the frozen artichoke hearts in a very large bowl, and cover with lukewarm water, and lemon juice, until fully defrosted (about 35 min).

Drizzle olive oil in a large saucepan and heat over a medium flame. Add onion, garlic, celery root and spices (in that order, wait 3-5 minutes before adding the next ingredient). Add lemon juice and water and cook on medium-low heat for 25 min or until the sauce becomes slightly concentrated.

While the sauce is cooking, prepare the meat mixture: in a separate frying pan, heat olive oil over a medium flame. Add onion, garlic, pine nuts and parsley (in that order, wait 3-5 minutes before adding the next ingredient). Remove from heat and add to a large bowl. To the same bowl add the ground beef,  grated root-vegetable mixture, ground pistachios, and spices.  Mix with your hands (this is the best way) until all the ingredients are incorporated. Then stuff the hollow part of the artichokes with the meat filling. There might be a little bit meat left over (depending on how much or little you fill your hearts), in that case, make a few small meatballs to add to the saucepan.

Before you add your artichoke hearts to the saucepan that the lemony sauce has been cooking in, remove about half the amount of sauce and put in a separate cup. Add the stuffed artichoke hearts to the saucepan, and then pour the remaining liquid evenly over them. Cover the saucepan and cook for 1 1/2 hours on medium-low heat.

Serve hot with extra sauce.

Thanks Ima for sharing this great recipe!

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Post 290: Marvin Casey, who brought flash dancing to Israel would have been proud of the flash dance performed in Machana Yehuda on March 16th, In a matter of seconds, I witnessed flaming mattress tossed thru the second entrance and the fireman stood by,,Galina Puppet mater builder from Gruzia Russia 054-591-0618

IMG_20160318_123753My day began with a visit to my usual “rope jumping” venue, Eizel Eleyahu’s Ha Ma’Allot Friday Take-out establishment and ended with meeting Galina (above ) Puppet Creator  extraordinaire.

The MaAllot restaurant (Rabanut) is open solely Fridays from 8:00 AM-2:00 PM.

All the surrounding streets were closed to traffic due to the Jerusalem Marathon. I didn’t expect to see the indefatigable Eizel at 7:30, but he was on the move and in the kitchen. I quietly exited and switched my jump rope venue to Gan Ha Atzmaot down the block. Rechove King George, was pristinely clean in expectation of  Jerusalem Marathon runners. I crossed the barriers to the park and was alone among the trees  except for two horses, a female soldier and police riders.

This horse fed off the grass while the soldiers and police chatted. Notice the extra “Tush cushion” atop the saddle. He was of course tied up to the tree.

After a few minutes strollers came by.


He virtually posed for me. A few minutes later a child ran over to him with some weeds and he chomped away

At 11:30, I stopped my Shabat preparations and trotted over to Machana Yehuda. to view the flash dance, described in a prior post. Marvin Casey, who brought flash dance to Israel, would have been proud of the flash dance performed in Machana Yehuda. I’m awaiting photos from my cub reporter.

The excitement was just starting. On my way back home thru the narrow streets of Nachlaot,  a fireman stopped me and literally asked where is the fire? “Where’s the Fire!” I followed him down Shilo and watched one of three uniformed firemen, donning a mask and carrying an oxygen tank,  disappear into  a narrow low door.

The fireman entered the smaller space after determining the second opening didn’t need to be pried open with a crowbar
Things started to get serious and the helmets went on as smoke billowed out of the window. Our fireman was inside looking for survivors. Oh!


In a matter of seconds, a flaming mattress was tossed thru the second entrance and the fireman stood by keeping bystanders protect. Looks like not a drop of water was spilled. Undoubtedly the fire was caused by a smoker in bed. Perhaps a squatter.

Galina Puppet mater builder from Gruzia Russia 054-591-0618

From right to left: Joker Puppet, Mordechai, Esther HaMalkah, Achashverush, Vashti, Haman


Every centimeter of facial surface is covered with glitter, paint or silk; The face seemed like a stuffed nylon stocking. I asked Galina where did she study this art. She pointed to the heavens to indicated the source of her G-d given talent. Then she offered that the puppets were based on Jewish entertainers that she had seen growing up in Russia. Her puppets are available for purchase.

Haman’s pockets – triangular cookies filled with poppy seeds said to represent Haman’s three-cornered hat (

Ingredients for dough

31/2 cups all purpose/ cusmin flour

1 tsp. baking powder

1/2 cup finely ground almonds

275 gr. butter

1 cup icing sugar/powdererd

3 Tbs. coconut sugar

2 eggs

Pinch salt

Ingredients for filling:

300gr. ground poppy seeds

1 cup sugar/coconut sugar

11/2 cup milk / orange juice/soy milk

3 Tbs. honey

lemon zest (option)


  1. Sift flour and almonds.

  2. Beat butter with icing sugar and sugar.

  3. Add eggs to the butter.

  4. Add the sifted flour & almonds, baking powder and salt to the butter.

  5. Knead until dough is formed.

  6. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least an hour.

  7. Cook milk, sugar and poppy seeds 15 min.

  8. Add the honey and lemon zest and cook 5 min more. Let cool.

  9. Roll out the dough thin and create circles.

  10. Put about 1/2 tsp. of filling in the middle of each circle. Fold the dough into a triangle and pinch the edges.–

  11. Bake about 10 min. in 180 c, until golden.

Post 289: My erliche neighbor, Eizel Eleyahu, the restaurant owner on Rechove Ha MaAlot, Broccoli Shopping Tips and Recipes from

Although I don’t dine at the  Rechove Ha MaAlot restaurant, I feel compelled to relate a story which reflects the owner, Eizel Eleyahu’s kindness.IMG_20160317_100400

I have been jumping rope on the wooden mirpesset (porch) of his restaurant, two or three times a week, even more often in the winter. Eizel really inherited me with the lease that he took over from the former owner, who gave me rashut (permission) to use the porch.

Opening hours vary and I try to squeeze in my exercise before 10AM. 

Eizel runs a Friday take-away and catering business.

The spacious porch complete with sheltering roof for rainy days.

On this particular rainy day, a man came by and called to Eizel. It sounded like the man wanted to use the wall outlet to charge something, and Eizel quickly consented.

IMG_20160317_100122Then the man rolled a large carton lifter into the restaurant; Eizel was not so pleased with that. He quickly came up with an extension cord, so that the payloader would not be INSIDE.

IMG_20160317_100217It was obvious that had Eziel not helped out the fellow, who was an Israeli Arab, his delivery operation would have been forced to a stand-still. The challenges to them were the immanent- rain: the team of workers were already busy unloading restaurant supplies for the corner restaurant and blocking traffic. Admittedly, the corner restaurant and Eziel’s are not in competition, because  the corner restaurant is open on Shabat. Lastly and most important, Eziel saved the Arab delivery service from loosing face, coming to service a client without a charged carton lifter is definitely an embarrassment.  A further embarrassment would have been if the delivery man would need to trouble his customer to charge the carton lifter, and hold up his delivery schedule. The workers lowered the boxes to a hand dolly during the electric charging, to finish and rush to the next stop.IMG_20160317_100217

My question: Will the Arab fellow go back to his town and praise the generous Jew who saved the day for him? 

Tips for Purchasing and Preparing bug-less Broccoli

Does your family balk at eating broccoli stems, but you hate the waste? Try this Cream of Broccoli recipe! Nothing goes to waste, you get the most nutritional benefit for your buck (broccoli stems are rich in fiber and have more calcium and Vitamin C than the florettes), they’ll never be the wiser, and the flavor might even convert some broccoli haters. In this recipe, broccoli is cooked two ways: the stems are pressure cooked until they are meltingly tender then pureed to form a thick soup base, and the florettes are roasted with a little olive oil to improve their flavor, and then are either rough chopped or pureed, depending on whether you like your cream soups with small chunks or silky smooth. If you want to gild the lily, top your soup with grated cheese or these cheddar croutons for cheesy richness and crunch.

 Broccoli Shopping Tips. Fresh broccoli prices can vary widely depending on the time of year. Your surest way of getting good prices on broccoli (and other fresh produce) is to shop seasonally, buying your produce only during the peak of the domestic growing season when each vegetable is most plentiful, and therefore cheapest. It appears that broccoli is maturing during the cooler months of the early spring, (now in Israel) before higher temperatures force the broccoli plants to seed.  Make the base of this soup when prices are low, freeze it, then defrost and add your milk/half and half/cream for a super quick creamed soup meal.

As far as what to look for in a good head of broccoli, you need to understand that the prettiest and tastiest part of the broccoli, the florettes, are actually just that: flower buds. Each little bit of broccoli is a tiny flower bud. While it is green and tightly closed, it is immature, and therefore edible, when it opens and turns yellow, the bud has bloomed and the quality and taste will suffer. Look for heads of broccoli where the buds are a nice green color (the exact shade will depend on the variety of broccoli, some heads are a grayish green, some a vivid green, and still others a dark bluish green – what you want to avoid are yellowing or brown spots), they are closely packed in together, and there is no yellowing or other discoloration on the top or sides of the head. (There may be some slight yellowing of the buds trapped in the interior, where light is unable to reach them.) The head itself should feel heavy, the stem should be solid, without cuts, bruises or soft damaged spots, and the cut at the stem’s end should not have browned or hardened excessively, that’s a sign that the broccoli was cut longer ago than is desirable.

Pressure Cooking Broccoli. While the pressure cooker does magical things with many vegetables, improving the taste of tomatoes, turning potatoes into light and fluffy mashed potatoes, melding and infusing the flavors of mixed vegetables into wonderful soups, green vegetables like broccoli which get their coloring from chlorophyll need to be treated slightly differently. On Food and Cooking identifies several chlorophyll problems, including “[t]he second and more noticeable change in chlorophyll is the dulling of its color, which is caused when either heat or an enzyme nudge the magnesium atom from the center of the molecule. The replacement of magnesium by hydrogen is by far the most common cause of color change in cooked vegetables. In even slightly acidic water, the plentiful hydrogen ions displace the magnesium, a change that turns chlorophyll a into grayish-green pheophytin a,chlorophyll b into yellowish pheophytin b” and “when the temperature of the plant tissue rises above 140° F / 60° C, the organizing membranes in and around the chloroplast are damaged, and chlorophyll is exposed to the plants own natural acids.” (Both excessive acidity and alkalinity will facilitate the transformation of chlorophyll.)

There are two primary forms of chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b. The latter gives a yellow green color to leaves and vegetables, the former gives more of a blue green shade. Unfortunately, while both are heat sensitive, chlorophyll a is particularly so, and under the high temperature environment of the pressure cooker, the lovely green colors turn grey green or olive green.

I’ve compensated for this problem by splitting the cooking methods: the thicker and tougher stems are pressure cooked with a small amount of baking soda (to preserve color) until they are tender and the darker green florettes are roasted in the oven with a little olive oil to improve their flavor, then added to the soup at the very end, after pressure cooking, to preserve as much of their color as possible.

Gluten Free, Reduced Calorie and Lower Carb Versions of This Soup. Since many of us, myself included, are increasingly cooking for those with special dietary needs, I will try to include alternate instructions to convert recipes to meet those needs. If you’re counting calories, choose milk instead of half and half or cream, or if you are being really strict, you can enjoy the soup simply as a puree, without milk, and just thin it with broth. If you are cooking for someone with gluten sensitivities, celiac disease, or diet without added sodium, you will need to make your own stock and you should either use gluten free bread, or omit the cheddar croutons. For those who are cooking for someone who is counting carbohydrates, who has blood sugar issues, or diabetes, omit the carrot (root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, beets, etc. are the highest in carbohydrates), use cream instead of either milk or half and half (its my understanding that both milk and half and half contain milk sugars, which are carbs, cream does not) and add a little bit of grated cheese instead of the cheddar croutons.

TIP ON MILK PRODUCTS AND THE PRESSURE COOKER: Milk products, milk, half and half, cream, etc. are all naturally occurring emulsions, and those emulsions can be broken by excess heat. Always add milk / half and half / cream after pressure cooking, and ideally, after the food you’re incorporating it into has cooled somewhat after pressure has been released. The high heat of the pressure cooker could easily break the emulsion (while pasteurization involves high or even higher temperatures – around 275° F (135° C) for UHT pasteurization – Another source said that the temperature for pasteurization is much lower: For effective pasteurization, milk can be heated up to 145 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes, but this method isn’t very common. More common is heating milk up to at least 161.6 degrees Fahrenheit for 15 seconds, which is known as High-temperature Short-Time (HTST) pasteurization, or flash pasteurization.Pasteurization is done for only a few seconds, not for the minutes that would be involved in bringing a pressure cooker up to pressure. One way to reduce the chances of breaking the emulsion is to add a small amount of the hot food/liquid to the milk, and stirring it in well to raise the temperature of the milk, before incorporating the warmed milk into the main amount of hot food/liquid.

3 pounds fresh broccoli
1 head of garlic
1 large storage onion
2 stalks of celery
1 cup of carrot (1/4″ dice) (optional)
¼ teaspoon baking soda
2 cups vegetable stock
2 – 3 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Coarse kosher salt
Coarsely ground pepper
1 – 2 cups of milk / half and half / cream
1 fresh lemon
Sourdough or other rustic bread (optional)
Cheddar cheese (optional)
Pressure Cooker
12″ Silicone Tipped Tongs
Potato peeler (optional)
Cutting board
Chef’s knife
Cookie sheet or pan large enough to hold the broccoli
Aluminum foil
Oil Mister (optional)
Immersion Blender, food processor or blender
Pastry brush (optional)
Ladle or soup spoon

ROASTING TIP: You roast the broccoli in the oven in order to improve its flavor. It is very important, however, to dry the broccoli thoroughly (allow it to air dry if necessary) before roasting it because moisture on the surface of the florettes will keep the surface temperature from rising above the boiling point of water (212° F) and the Maillard reaction, one of the mechanisms by which hundreds of flavor compounds are created, works best at even higher temperatures. So always make sure vegetables to be roasted are patted or air dried and have only oil on their surface.

Wash, dry and separate the florettes away from the broccoli stems

    1. Wash the broccoli and allow to dry thoroughly before proceeding. Once dry, cut the florettes from the stems, leaving as little stem on the florettes as possible. (If you want to use frozen broccoli you can. It won’t be as good, but you can use it. Just be sure and defrost it and dry off the florettes before roasting them, or they’ll steam in the oven instead of roasting.)

Cut the broccoli stems into planks, then matchsticks and then dice

    1. Remove a ¼ inch from the bottom of each main stem and discard. (You can use a potato peeler to remove the outer layer of the stems, if desired.) Cut the stems into planks of roughly equal thickness (don’t worry about any florette stems that are sticking out), then cut the planks into ¼” thick “matchsticks”, and then dice the matchsticks into approximately ¼” thick cubes.

    1. Dice the onion, celery and carrots (optional) into approximately ¼” cubes. If you are cooking for someone counting their carbs, has blood sugar problems or diabetes, you can omit the carrot (as I’ve done here). Add the diced broccoli stems, onion, celery and carrots to the pressure cooker pot along with a cup of broth, ¼ teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of chicken base or vegetable base. Lock the lid. Pressure cook at HIGH PRESSURE for 20 minutes using QUICK RELEASE.

Brush olive oil on the back and front edges of the bread

    1. Optional: Use a pastry brush to brush the back of your bread slices with a thin coat of olive oil. Flip the bread slices over and add a thin layer of oil around the edge of the bread slices. The olive oil will help brown the bread and provide a richness to the cheddar croutons.

Place the bread on aluminum foil and cheddar slices on the bread

    1. Optional: Place the bread slices on top of some aluminum foil. Turn up the edges of the foil to prevent any excess cheddar or oil from dripping into your oven. Cut cheddar slices approximately 1/8″ thick (or use shredded cheddar) and place in the middle of the bread slices. You don’t need to cover the entire piece of bread, the cheddar will spread and cover most of the slice as it melts.

Roast the broccoli florettes (and cheddar croutons) at 375° F for 20 minutes

    1. Place the broccoli florettes on an cookie sheet lined with aluminum foil, larger pieces on the outside, smaller pieces, tightly packed, on the inside. If you have an oil mister, lightly mist the broccoli florettes with olive oil. If you don’t, hold your thumb almost completely over the opening of the olive oil bottle, hold the bottle up high over the broccoli florettes and shake your hand vigorously back and forth to get as little oil in any particular spot as you can. (This is really so much easier with a mister, so use it if you have one.) Place the florettes and bread slices on the middle rack of your oven and bake at 375° F / ° C (325° F / ° C for convection ovens) for 20 minutes (no preheating necessary).

Check the cheddar croutons after 10 minutes, and every few minutes thereafter

    1. If you’re making the cheddar croutons, check the bread slices after 10 minutes, and every few minutes thereafter, and remove when the cheese has melted and is bubbling and the pieces of bread have reached the desired level of toasting. (There are hot spots in most ovens, so you may have to remove some slices before others.) To cut calories, I would use toasted Pita bread

For more rustic soup, hand chop the florettes into smaller pieces. For smooth, reserve for processing.

    1. Once the broccoli florettes have finished roasting, remove the cookie sheet from the oven. If you like your creamed soups with some texture, transfer the florettes to your cutting board and use your chef’s knife to hand chop the pieces to roughly the desired size. If you want your soup smooth, let the broccoli florettes cool on the cookie tray.

When timer goes off, turn off

    1. When the pressure cooker timer goes off, turn of the “keep warm” function and quick release pressure. Once pressure has released, unlock the lid, hold it up at an angle, with the top of the lid facing towards you, like a shield, and allow any excess water to fall back into the pressure cooker pot. Set the lid to the side, away from your work area. (Don’t worry, the strong broccoli smell when you remove the lid will dissipate in a matter of minutes.)

Puree the broccoli stems and mirepoix

    1. If you are using a food processor or blender, transfer portions of the pressure cooked vegetables at a time, completely puree them, remove the pureed vegetables to a third container, and continue until everything is completely smooth. The pureed broccoli and mirepoix will not only improve the flavor of your soup, but provide a thick base for it as well (no roux or other thickening agents will be required). If you have an immersion blender, use it instead, it will not only do an excellent job, but there’ll lots fewer things to wash.

IMMERSION BLENDER TIP: Immersion Blenders are GREAT tools for pureeing food – you can puree your soup ingredients right in the cooking pot, without having to use (and then clean) another bowl, a blender or food processor. Saves a lot of time and you won’t have to fill up half a dishwasher rack with food processor parts. The cutting blade is recessed, and the bell that surrounds it extends well below it, so there is no way the blade could damage your pots. For best results, rest the bottom of the bell on the bottom of the pot, or close to it, and keep most of the bell immersed in the liquid / food. (Raising the bell too high in the food could result in splattering.)

Puree the broccoli florettes, if desired

    1. If you want a chunky soup, puree the pressure cooked vegetables until smooth and add the chopped florettes for texture. If you want a smooth soup, puree the broccoli stems first to get as much liquid in the pot, and then add the dry florettes, in several batches, and puree until smooth. If you want to freeze all or part of the soup, stop here: package the soup in a freezer safe container, and mark it with how much cream and/or broth to add to the soup when its defrosted and served.

FREEZER MEAL TIP: Purchase your fresh broccoli in bulk during seasonal peaks, when its most affordable, and prepare the base of the soup (Steps 1 – 3, 6 and 8 – 11 above) for freezing. The pureed soup base is extremely compact, and can be stored in your freezer in freezer safe storage containers, either by batch or in individual serving sizes. (Be sure to allow some room in the container for the soup to expand as it freezes.) Pull out some frozen soup base when you need a quick hot meal on a cold winter night or when you have some extra cream or half and half you want to use up.

Add milk/half and half/cream and/or broth to thin soup to desired consistency

    1. Once you have the desired consistency, add at least one cup of milk, half and half or cream to the soup, and stir well to incorporate. At this point, how thick or thin you like your soup is a matter of personal preference: you may want to stop there, or add additional liquid, one half cup at a time. Take a taste. You can add more milk/cream if you want a richer, creamier soup, or dilute with chicken or vegetable stock if you like the taste as is but just want a thinner soup.

Add lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste

    1. Once you have added as much milk/cream and broth to get the desired creaminess and consistency, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice to the soup, plus salt and pepper to taste. (For example, I added 1 teaspoon of coarse kosher salt and ¼ teaspoon of coarsely ground black pepper.) You may notice that the cream may weep a bit in the soup mixture, this shouldn’t be much of a problem when you’re stirring and eating it, but if it does bother you, you could add a tiny bit of dried mustard to the soup. (I kid you not, mustard is an emulsifier, and The Flavor Bible says mustard goes really, really well with broccoli, its one of my favorite cooking reference books, and they’ve never steered me wrong.). Add just a little bit, stir it in really thoroughly, taste, and wait a few minutes to see if any more weeping happens, then add a small bit more if desired.Once you have seasoned the soup as desired, use the “Sauté” setting to gently warm your finished soup back up. Ladle or spoon into cups or bowls for service.

Cut up cheddar croutons

  1. Use your chef’s knife to cut the melted cheddar and toasted bread into “cheddar croutons”. Place the croutons on top of your soup, cheddar side up.
Pressure Cooker Soup Recipes: Cream of Broccoli Soup Recipe (with optional cheddar croutons) by ePressureCooker.comPressure Cooker Soup Recipes: Cream of Broccoli Soup Recipe (with optional cheddar croutons) by

REHEATING TIP: As I elaborated on in my Milk and Pressure Cooking tip, milk, half and half and cream are emulsions that can be broken (the milk product ruined) through the use of excessive heat for too long. When reheating your soup after refrigeration or freezing, don’t boil it. That risks breaking it. Re-warm it gently, at a simmer or slightly above, and don’t bring the soup up to a boil, for best results.

Cream of Broccoli Recipe
Prep time
30 mins
Cook time
30 mins
Total time
1 hour
Make this delicious homemade cream of broccoli soup using fresh broccoli (plus either shredded cheese or cheese croutons, if you wish) in about an hour from start to finish (the soup base can also be frozen for a great freezer meal)
Author: © 2014
Recipe type: Soup
Serves: 4 – 6
  • 3 pounds fresh broccoli
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 large storage onion
  • 2 stalks of celery
  • 1 cup of carrot (1/4″ dice) (optional)
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon Vegetable Base
  • 1 (15-ounce) can / 2 cups chicken or vegetable stock
  • 2 – 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • Coarse kosher salt
  • Coarsely ground pepper
  • 1 – 2 cups of milk / half and half / cream
  • 1 fresh lemon
  • Sourdough or other rustic bread (optional) or pita bread
  • Cheddar cheese (optional)
  1. Wash and thoroughly dry the broccoli. Removing the florettes, cutting them as close to the heads as possible.
  2. Remove about ¼” from the bottom of the main stem. Remove the outer peel of the stem, if desired. Cut the main stem into ¼” planks, the planks into ¼” matchsticks and the matchsticks into ¼” cubes.
  3. Dice the onion, celery and carrots (optional) into ¼” cubes. If you’re cooking for someone who is counting their carbs, has blood sugar issues or diabetes, omit the carrot. Add the diced broccoli stems and vegetables, 1 cup of broth, 1 tablespoon of chicken or vegetable base and ¼ teaspoon baking soda to the pot. (Note: if you are cooking for someone with gluten sensitivities, use gluten free broth.) Lock the pressure cooker lid. Pressure cook at HIGH PRESSURE for 20 minutes using QUICK PRESSURE RELEASE.
  4. Optional: Brush a small amount of olive oil on the back of the bread and the edges of the front side. (If you are cooking for someone with gluten issues, use either GF bread or use shredded cheddar instead of the cheddar croutons).
  5. Optional: Place the bread on aluminum foil, turning the edges of the foil slightly up. Cut the cheddar approximately ⅛” thick and place the slices on top of the bread.
  6. Place the florettes on a foil lined cookie sheet, large pieces on the outside, smaller pieces packed tightly on the inside. Spray a light coat of olive oil on the florettes. Bake the florettes and cheese/bread slices at 375° F / ° C (325° F / ° C for convection ovens) for 20 minutes.
  7. Check the cheese and bread slices after 10 minutes, and every few minutes thereafter. Remove from the oven when cheddar has melted and bread is nicely toasted and brown at the edges.
  8. Once the florettes have roasted, remove them from the oven. If you want soup with texture, roughly chop the florettes to the desired size. If you want a smooth soup, set aside.
  9. When the pressure cooker alarm goes off, turn off “keep warm” setting and turn the release valve knob to quick release pressure. When the machine unlocks, remove the lid, hold it over the pot to let any hot water fall back in, and place the lid outside your work area.
  10. Use an Immersion Blender, blender or food processor to puree the pressured cooked vegetables until completely smooth.
  11. If you want your soup to have texture, add the chopped florettes to the soup and stir in by hand. If you want a smooth soup, add part of the florettes to the soup, puree the mixture until smooth, and add additional batches of florettes until soup is completely smooth. If you want to freeze your soup, stop here. Place the soup base in freezer safe packaging, allowing room for expansion during freezing, and mark the package with how much cream and/or broth to add before freezing.
  12. Add a cup of cream / half and half / milk to the soup base and stir to thoroughly incorporate. Add additional liquid, ½ cup at a time, until the desired thickness is reached. Add more milk / half and half / cream if you want more richness, use broth instead if you just want to thin out the soup. (Note: if you are cooking for someone with diabetes, blood sugar issues, or who is counting their carbs, use cream instead of milk or half and half.)
  13. Once you’ve reached the desired consistency, add 1 tablespoon lemon juice, plus pepper and salt to taste. If your soup weeps, you can add a small amount of powdered mustard (which is an emulsifier) and thoroughly whisk it in, then wait and see if the soup still weeps, and add a small amount more, repeating until weeping stops. Use the “simmer” function to gently re-warm the soup.
  14. Cut up the cheese toasts into small “cheddar croutons” and place on top of the soup.

Post 288: Purim activities in Jerusalem: Another support group opening at Hadadi – the Center for the Breast Cancer Survivor- BANANA ZUCCHINI CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS (VEGAN)

Below is a link to a remarkable web site showing the various activities and special events leading up to and including those events that take place on the day of Purim itself. The events are listed and described chronologically and a map automatically shows you where each event takes place. Many of the events I have described in earlier posts.

קבוצת תמיכה נוספת נפתחת בהדדי – המרכז למתמודדת עם סרטן שד

Another support group opening at Hadadi – the Center for the Breast Cancer Survivor

הדדי – המרכז למתמודדת עם סרטן שד

רח’ לוי 10, ירושלים

טל: 072-243-2333


להסרה מרשימת התפוצה, שלח/י דוא”ל לכתובת זו:

אנא הקדישו כמה דקות כדי לראות את הסרטון על הדדי:

Hadadi, The Center For The Breast Cancer Survivor

10 Levi St., Jerusalem, Israel

Tel:  972-72-243 2333

To donate:


Please take a few more minutes to watch a video about Hadadi:

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I try to limit my work to one bowl, generally the food processor. These banana bread/muffins also have peanut butter. The one-bowl, no-mixer muffins are vegan and healthy. No butter, no eggs, the chocolate chips are solely sprinkled on top.  Between the softening powers of coconut oil, the creamy bananas that add tenderness, and the moisture-enhancing powers of zucchini, these are some of the softest and moistest muffins. They continue to get softer as the days pass, and the flavors marry together and tasted better the second day. You’ll never complain about eating your vegetables after these muffins. I doubled the dry ingredients, and omitted the sugar entirely and added i cup cooked apples and made 16 large muffins

YIELD: about 11 medium/large muffins

PREP TIME: 10 minutes

COOK TIME: about 18 minutes, note reduction in oven temp after 10 minutes

TOTAL TIME: about 40 minutes, for cooling


3/4 cup granulated sugar/ coconut sugar or less/use apple or orange marmalade

1/3 cup coconut oil, melted (vegetable or canola oil may be substituted)

1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
2 tablespoons unsweetened vanilla almond milk (coconut, soy, rice, cow’s milk may be substituted)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup ripe mashed bananas (about 2 small/medium bananas) with 2 teaspoons peanut butter
1 1/4 cups shredded zucchini, measured loosely laid in cup (not packed in or squeezed; about 1 medium zucchini, I didn’t peel it). the ones in Israel are very moist so drain well.
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
about 11 teaspoons mini semi-sweet chocolate chips divided, about 1 teaspoon for each muffin (regular-sized chips may be substituted)


1-Take the shredded zucchini and place in a strainer with a weight on it and drain the moisture for 1/2 hour

2-Put it in a paper towel and squeeze tightly for about 10 seconds to remove some additional moisture. After squeezing, you should have about 3/4 cup of compacted shreds.

3-Preheat oven to 400F/250 Line a Non-Stick 12-Cup Regular Muffin Pan with baking papers  and grease and flour the sections pan; set aside. (I  prefer the cosmetic look of muffin liners and I am not sure if the paper will stick to the muffins).

4-Mash the bananas/peanut butter in the food processor and remove.

5-Add zucchini to food processor bowl and run a second or two.

6-Add prepared zucchini to bowl and stir to incorporate.

7-To a large bowl, add the first 6 ingredients, through cinnamon, and whisk to combine.

8-Add the flour, baking powder, optional salt and stir until just combined; don’t over-mix.

9-Using a large cookie scoop, 1/4-cup measure, or spoon, turn batter out into prepared pan, noting that the recipe yields 11 muffins. I weigh out the mixture to 40 grams.  Each cavity should be filled to about 3/4 full, but not exceeding or batter could overflow.

10-Sprinkle the top of each muffin generously with mini chocolate chips, about 1 teaspoon each.

11-Bake at 400F/250 for 10 minutes, reduce oven temp to 350F and bake for 8 minutes, or until muffins are set, domed, golden, and a toothpick comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs, but no batter. I like the muffins brown and have difficulty getting that so I remove the pans and tun the muffins and return them to the oven for an additional 10 minutes. This also removed some of the moisture.

Allow muffins to cool in pan for about 10 to 15 minutes, or until they’ve firmed up and are cool enough to handle. It’s normal for muffin tops to be flatten as they cool. Muffins will keep airtight at room temperature for up to 1 week, or in the freezer for up to 6 months. I find muffins get softer over time and taste better on days 2-3 after the flavors have blended.

Recipe adapted from Averie Cooks.

Post 287:Tuesday was Israel’s Good Deeds Day, and coming up Shabat at the Shuk

Some 1.3 million Israelis are expected to do some good on Tuesday as part of the tenth annual Good Deeds Day, a project that encourages people to volunteer and give back to the community.

Good Deeds Day, initiated by Ruach Tova (“Good Spirit”), a nonprofit organization that is part of the Ted Arison Family Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Arison Group, has become a global endeavor including some 68 countries, which are set to mark the day abroad on April 10.

“This initiative, born ten years ago, has crossed international borders and has become an international cause uniting through its simplicity, and because of the ability of each one of us to connect to and take part in the initiative,” said businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison, the projects initiator.

שוקשבת - גלויה 10 על 15

שוקשבת - גלויה 10 על 15

CHOOSE Purchase or Sponsor below (ticket quantity upon checkout)
Honorary Benefactor ₪14,400.00 ILS
Golden Benefactor ₪7,200.00 ILS
Silver Benefactor ₪3,600.00 ILS
Charter Sponsor ₪1,800.00 ILS
Gold Sponsor ₪720.00 ILS
Silver Sponsor ₪360.00 ILS
Patron Sponsor ₪180.00 ILS
Golden Ticket ₪75.00 ILS
In the merit or memory of:

Gluya 15.7x9.2

מכירת כרטיסים במכירה מוקדמת

75₪ Now or 95₪ at the Door
1 Ticket ₪75.00 ILS
2 Tickets ₪150.00 ILS
3 Tickets ₪225.00 ILS
4 Tickets ₪300.00 ILS
5 Tickets ₪375.00 ILS
6 Tickets ₪450.00 ILS
7 Tickets ₪525.00 ILS
8 Tickets ₪600.00 ILS
9 Tickets ₪675.00 ILS
10 Tickets ₪750.00 ILS

I Like to walk over to the Pot Luck on the tracks and see the creative diners.







tickets 7x15 copy


2 Live Bands // 2 DJs // Art Installations // Mamilla Roof

Once a year, dreamers and dancers gather in Jerusalem to create a tripped out festival celebrating radical self-expression, transformative ecstasy and revelation masked in mystery. Together we dance with total abandon to create an entire world that exists for just this one night — Purim in Jerusalem, a taste of Olam HaBa.

Calling all artisans and craftspeople // Still accepting submissions for burner-style art installations, so if you are moved to gift your talent to the party, let us know.



That’s our music line up playing this psycadelic festival.
We love them, we know you will too ! ! !

Pre-purchase ticket price

Tickets available at:
Cash: Beer Bazaar, Shuk Machane Yehud

This is our vision, this is your trip, this is everyone’s purim :)
The time has come to to bring out your monster costumes from the closet, find you most colorful costume and come with love to 10 flying hours on our roof.

Wishing you an awesome Purim, a blossoming month of Adar, and so much blessing and success
Olam HaBa for the first time together with BEERBAZAAR and the whole family :)

75₪ Now or 95₪ at the Door
1 Ticket ₪75.00 ILS
2 Tickets ₪150.00 ILS
3 Tickets ₪225.00 ILS
4 Tickets ₪300.00 ILS
5 Tickets ₪375.00 ILS
6 Tickets ₪450.00 ILS
7 Tickets ₪525.00 ILS
8 Tickets ₪600.00 ILS
9 Tickets ₪675.00 ILS
10 Tickets ₪750.00 ILS


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Looking Forward To Hearing From You

Israel +972-525-411-124

USA (914)-368-5175

Post 286: Preparations are in full swing in Gan Sacher for the Jerusalem Marathon 2016 – A Grand Restoration of the Park Avenue Armory’s Veterans Room, with a Modern Touch

The two features of this blog in Jerusalem and New York are about public space. In Jerusalem one cherishes the kedusha of the space. Gan Sacher is in the heart of the city, very much like Central Park is in New York City.  It provides an open free respite for large Israeli families to celebrate a Shevah Bracha, a child’s returning from army duty, a National holiday in a more or less wholesome environment.

Image result for Photos of Gan Sacher  preparing for marathon
Image result for Photos of Gan Sacher  preparing for marathon
Image result for Photos of Gan Sacher  preparing for marathon
Image result for Photos of Gan Sacher  preparing for marathon
Image result for Photos of Gan Sacher  preparing for marathon
Image result for Photos of Gan Sacher  preparing for marathon

However, yesterday and today have played havoc with the preparations, as we are in the throes of blistery winds hour upon hour. The skies are a distinctly cloudy grey hue, rarely seen in Jerusalem. No-one is outside unless there are errands to perform. Maybe, lesspeople will come out for the marathon.

A Glittering Restoration of the Park Avenue Armory’s Veterans Room, with a Modern Touch. In contrast this is a space never intended for the public but for men to drink, smoke and be with their military peers.


Last time that i was in the Park Avenue Armory was for a sale benefitting the Lighthouse for the Blind. It was dark, dusty and dingy. Back when the Park Avenue Armory served as the headquarters for New York State’s Seventh Regiment of the National Guard, it housed on its ground floor a massive, high-ceilinged room where retired soldiers could lounge with a brandy in one hand, a cigar in the other, and a spittoon by their sides. In fact I recall seeing some of those spittoons on the landings.

Today, the Veterans Room represents one of the extant intact interiors designed by Louis C. Tiffany and Co., Associated Artists — the collective spearheaded by the renowned decorative artist, just 31 and early into his glass-making when he received the prestigious commission in 1879. Joining him were architect Stanford White, interior designer Candace Wheeler, and painter Samuel Colman. Lavishly embellished with handsome woodwork, shimmering wallpaper, intricate iron fixtures, and Tiffany’s signature stained glass windows, the Veterans Room was quite the spot for an old gents’ club and, in the day, the envy of young militants barred from access.

Detail of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

VR19Detail of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room (click to enlarge)

The historic room now welcomes all: it reopened its doors this week to the public to reveal an impeccably restored and updated interior, the result of 14 months of research and work by Herzog & de Meuron. The Swiss architectural firm has since 2007 been working with Platt Byard Dovell White Architects to renovate the entire Armory building. The Veterans Room is the fourth finished room; the teams have 14 more to revitalize. While much of the general design, conceived by Tiffany, remains original, Herzog & de Meuron has infused the room with a contemporary spirit, slipping in modern touches.

On top of the wear and tear that ensue from years of smoky soirées and music festivals, a number of largely substandard alterations and restorations throughout the 20th century left the space in a disheveled state, buried under dust and dirt. Now, gleaming tiles of swirling shades of blue, each hand-pressed by Tiffany and adorning a massive, column-flanked fireplace, immediately capture your attention upon entry. Like much of the room’s details, they are iridescent, playing with light that streams through the artist’s colored glass mosaics in high-positioned windows. The entire space seems to shimmer as you walk around, an illusion heightened by the wallpaper, which features metallic stencil work of a Moorish design. Decades ago, when the old gaslights, attached to ceiling-hanging iron fixtures were lit, the glow they cast would have made the wallpaper appear to ripple — an effect many writers in the 1880s praised when they saw the room.

A similar movement is achieved today with a smart electric upgrade: small LED lights below elegant prism glass pieces replace fire, refracting light in a way that mimics the subtle materiality of gas. As a whole, the room is ostentatiously ornate — a classic Gilded Age interior — but its luster prevents the many design elements from weighing it down.

The commission was an extremely important one: the veterans would have been, as Armory President Rebecca Robertson put it, the “Buffetts and Gates of that time.” It would have been an especially significant one for the younger artists, and the collective clearly embraced the serious task with enthusiasm.

“You can tell how much fun they had,” Robertson said. “You feel their hands in this room so well. You feel that collaboration in this room.”

Details of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Wallpaper in the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Their design pitch would have seemed schizophrenic: the designers drew influences from Celtic, Egyptian, Moroccan, Persian, and Japanese art, among others. Dragons mingle with oriental motifs in a wooden panel that wraps around the room; a Greek or Roman-style painted frieze runs just below the ceiling, with alternating medallions and rectangles that recall triglyphs and metopes. Painted by George Yewell and Francis Miller, the work – which had to undergo thorough cleaning — reveals a chronological survey of international warfare. From Native Americans sparring on horseback to Assyrian, Japanese, and Mexican warriors equipped with various technically advanced weapons, all the way up to an image of a Colt revolver, the illustrations nod to the past activities of the men who once gazed upon them. Above the fireplace, framed by a zinc wallcovering, a massive painted stucco relief of an eagle fighting an aquatic beast parallels the theme of war.

“They were all about doing things that were innovative and different, and they were about taking risks,” Robertson said of the artists.

Considering all the included elements and drawn sources, the result is impressively harmonious, with all surfaces in dialogue with one another. Motifs that appear on the woodwork of the walls are echoed in painted details on the coffered ceiling, which itself has a metallic sheen. The wallpaper’s chain-link pattern recalls the latticework of wooden screens by a small balcony, which may have been used for musical performances back in the day. Wall panels fitted with armor-like plates reflect the same dull patina of the zinc work, which also covers the capitals of wooden columns flanking the fireplace.

Side-by-side comparison of the Veterans Room as it first opened in 1881 and after its restoration by Herzog & de Meuron (courtesy Park Avenue Armory) (click to enlarge)

When Herzog & de Meuron began renovation efforts, they had to painstakingly take apart the room, stripping it of many of its elements before reconstructing them.

“Herzog & de Meuron’s method throughout our building has been to delayer the room and sort of learn about it and feel its character … really feel the eclectic nature of the room before thinking about what interventions were appropriate,” Robertson said.

The team consulted old records to learn about the original designs, but the room itself also yielded traces of its history, initially thought to be lost. A remnant of the original wallpaper surfaced beneath a large painting, allowing the architects to recreate the same colors. The 19th-century designers would have used an eight-step process to create the wallpaper, first painting it before applying various layers of the metallic stencil work; Herzog & de Meuron replicated the pattern in a more time-efficient way, using computer modeling to apply the graphic print.

Stained glass window by Louis Comfort Tiffany in the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Other contemporary updates include curtains to replace lost textiles created by Wheeler. These new ones integrate seamlessly into the room: they layer blue velvet under an armor-like mesh of copper and a criss-cross overlay of leather strapping, reflecting the various latticework around the room while echoing the tint of Tiffany’s windows. Most of the furniture, too, had to be recreated and reupholstered; the latticework of benches lining the walls were largely broken, likely from years of veterans scuffing their heels on the seats.

The room will witness its share of festivities once more: the Armory is now using it as a contemporary salon to host intimate cultural events. It inaugurates its programming with the Artists Studio, a year-long series of contemporary performances curated by jazz musician Jason Moran who performed on the night the room opened. Moran’s series will reflect the room’s vision and eclectic mixture of styles, mostly pairing artists who may not typically come together and inviting them to experiment and develop new work. These performances may not be as rowdy as those the room once witnessed, but they will revitalize the space after years of lost glory. Cigars, however, are no longer permitted.

The restored and revitalized Veterans Room

The restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Process shot of the Veterans Room under restoration

Detail of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Detail of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Detail of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Detail of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Detail of the restored and updated Veterans Room

Detail of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Details of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

Detail of the restored and revitalized Veterans Room

One more site to take in on my next visit to New York City. However, these photos and the description from bring the details to us up close. For more information about visiting the Park Avenue Armory’s Veterans Room and its other historic rooms (643 Park Ave, Upper East Side, Manhattan) click here

Post 285: Warnings about Friday’s Jerusalem Marathon with 3,500 participants, Summer 2016 A Golden Opportunity – Israel through Deaf Eyes This program is open to Deaf individuals or individuals who have Deaf siblings and are fluent in ASL.,The next installment of the Laughing Lion Comedy Night will be on Wednesday Night, March 16th. Jerusalem’s Port – נמל ירושלים, Hillel 22 in downtown Jerusalem. Doors open at 7:30 for dinner. Show starts at 9:30. Advance Tickets: 45 NIS, 35 NIS for students/soldiers with valid ID. At the door: 50/40 NIS Comics: Kandi Abelson Yossi Tarablus Idan Barkai Phil GordonLavine Mishel Sabbah Host: Joel Haber Plus, this is a celebration show! Host Joel Haber will be celebrating his Aliyahversary! Dear all, A free new fitness class is starting Fridays for breast cancer survivors at Hadadi, The Center For The Breast Cancer Survivor 10 Levi St 9AM Jerusalem 93628, Israel 072-243 2333

INFO: Jerusalem Marathon THIS Friday; street closings & traffic details. If you don’t really need to go into Yerushalayim this Friday,

it might be a good idea not to.
Street closings, and traffic & public transportation details are available here:

Summer 2016
A Golden Opportunity – Israel through Deaf Eyes

This program is open to Deaf individuals or individuals who have Deaf siblings and are fluent in ASL.

Young adults ages 18-26 are welcome to participate in this truly unique and life-changing program. Spend ten unbelievable days touring and experiencing Israel, as a free gift from Birthright Israel and in partnership with IYIM – Israel Branch Judaic Heritage Program for the Deaf , Ezra World, and the Jewish Deaf Foundation.

For more information or to register go to and choose
Israel through Deaf Eyes: American Sign Language Trip

The next installment of the Laughing Lion Comedy Night will be on Wednesday Night, March 16th.

Jerusalem’s Port – נמל ירושלים, Hillel 22 in downtown Jerusalem.

Doors open at 7:30 for dinner. Show starts at 9:30.

Advance Tickets: 45 NIS, 35 NIS for students/soldiers with valid ID.

At the door: 50/40 NIS


Kandi Abelson

Yossi Tarablus

Idan Barkai

Phil GordonLavine

Mishel Sabbah

Host: Joel Haber

Plus, this is a celebration show! Host Joel Haber will be celebrating his Aliyahversary!

Come join us for the best of English-language stand-up comedy in Jerusalem.

Dear all,  A free new fitness class is starting Fridays for breast cancer survivors at Hadadi, The Center For The Breast Cancer Survivor 10 Levi St 9AM
Jerusalem 93628, Israel
072-243 2333

I look forward to seeing you.
Since the room is not huge, please let me know if you intend to come.
Rachel Schitskovsky-Ivker
Executive Director
Hadadi, The Center For The Breast Cancer Survivor
10 Levi St.
Jerusalem 93628, Israel
972-72-243 2333

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אירובי אלמוג תגר אנגלית.jpg

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אירובי אלמוג תגר עברית.jpg

Post 284: Happenings in Mirkaz Ha”Ir and Nachlaot: Women’s performance of Bais Yaakov, Rachel March 13 Beit Ha’Am 4:15 PM 40 Sh , 052-763-7879 poetry slam Neighborhood living room – poetry slam date: 03/15/2016 time: 20:30 Location: Lev Ha’ir Community Administration price: ₪ 10, The event: Thursday workshop experiential and neighborhood cocktails especially! 8-10 pm Phone – 026 214 770 The Event: Flash Dance Machana Yehuda market date: 03/18/2016 time: 11:30 Flashmob Dance video to practice : Tisch student Purim Concert: date: 25/03/2016 time: 8:00 hall: Location: Ohel Moshe 42 Jerusalem price: ₪ 65, March 24th 10 PM 18 Rechove Mesilat Yeshurin performance Beit Maza Multiple groups performing, Free the Robots (LA) Ilia Gorovitz,Gilli Tha Kid Markey Funk Many Yonatan Biri Wanker+Sehnsucht(B@B) Techno Dungeon: Stinkyrussians Anna Haleta (Pacotek) Liat Attar ( see bottom of poster in English):

The next two weeks spark many cultural, and religious events pertaining to Purim. Starts with an all women performance for women to a contemporary music event on March 24th.

Women’s performance of Bais Yaakov, Rachel March 13 Beit Ha’Am 4:15 PM  40 ShIMG_20160310_082110

Coming to Machana Yehuda; Flash Mob Dance Event

Today I picked up a pamphlet describing upcoming events at the local “matnas” – community center. I’ll be getting more information on the flash mob dance event for this Friday at Machana Yehuda. There’s a U-tube to pratice the flashmob dance:

poetry slam

Neighborhood living room – poetry slam
date: 03/15/2016
time: 20:30
Location: Lev Ha’ir Community Administration
price: ₪ 10
Neighborhood living room - hosted artists
For further information please contact by phone: 02-6214777
The event:

Administration hosted artists living and time:

Host Pedro Grass poetry slam.

Price 10 sh”before the first drink on us ..

date: 17/03/2016
time: 20:00
Location: Lev Ha’ir Community Administration
price: ₪ 20
Cocktail Workshop
For further information please contact by phone: 02-6214777
The event: Thursday  workshop experiential and neighborhood cocktails especially! 8-10  pm Phone – 026 214 770

Dance flash mob community

date: 03/18/2016
time: 11:30
Location: Mahane Yehuda Market
Youth flash mob
For further information please contact by phone: 02-6214777
The event:

On Friday, the youth movements joined the Flash Mob Dance in Machana Yehuda Learn the dance  Flashmob Dance:

A Purim party for seniors
date: 03/20/2016
time: 10:00
Location: Ohel Moshe 42 Jerusalem
Purim Party for Seniors
For further information please contact by phone: 02-6214777
The event:

Purim party for seniors with singer Avi horizon.

We will hold a costume contest, games and sending a packet!

The party at no cost to members of the Third Age Club

 Market Purim youth
date: 03/24/2016
time: 11:00
Location: Ohel Moshe 42 Jerusalem
price: ₪ 5
Community Purim market
For further information please contact by phone: 02-6214777
The event:

Youth Unit  neighborhood community Purim. The event will be operating stations, inflatables, Snack, good music and a professional makeup station!

Megillah reading

date: 03/24/2016
time: 19:30
Location: Ohel Moshe 42 Jerusalem
Megillah Reading neighborhood
 Tisch student Purim
date: 25/03/2016
time: 00:00
Location: Ohel Moshe 42 Jerusalem
price: ₪ 65
Tisch Student Administration
For further information please contact by phone: 02-6214777
The event:

Menachem Nadav Bachar is a guitarist and music producer, a Chabad Hasid who became religious, married and father of five, lives in the streets.

Oren Tzur is a violinist, musician, producer and musical arranger Israel.

Nadav Bachar pulled alongside pine create the album “composure” and the album “My door is an answer to” which came out the single “Sound Forest” based on an ancient melody came Galgalatz playlist. Also serves as a musical producer, along with Oren Tzur. In 2013, they produced the album “a joy forever” Consortium Tune In Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg. In 2014 produced the album “Shadow Light” Gem of a relic.

Purim Party – Immediately following the megilla readings Thursday night, we will host a musical chagiga led by Mishel Dickman.  All those musically inclined are invited to bring their instruments as well and join in on the fun.  A sphiel, refreshments and activities for children will also be a part of the celebration.  This celebration is sponsored by Chavi Lee in commemoration of the Shushan Purim yahrzeit of her late husband and our dear friend Marty.
Friday Morning all are invited to a drop-in Purim breakfast seuda at the Pear home from 11 AM – 1 PM.
Finally, for all those interested in sending mishloach manot cards and aiding the needy elderly in Jerusalem at the same time, you can purchase such donation cards from Rachel Pear (  Proceeds  to benefit Ezrat Avot.

Shir Hadash Basics
  • Our Synagogue and Adult Education facility is located at Chopin 3. Our Early Childhood Center is located at Cheyl Nashim 4.
  • To contact us, e-mail
  • Our mission is to bring Jews closer to Judaism, to one another and to Israel.
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I saw the above intriguing poster. March 24th  10 PM  18 Rechove Mesilat Yeshurin performance Beit Maza

Multiple groups performing, Free the Robots (LA) Ilia Gorovitz,Gilli Tha Kid Markey Funk Many Yonatan Biri Wanker+Sehnsucht(B@B) Techno Dungeon: Stinkyrussians Anna Haleta (Pacotek) Liat Attar ( see bottom of poster in English):