Daily Archives: September 16, 2015

Post 201: MOFO challenge Day 21 20 Top Tips for Easy Fasting from Anglo list What three endless food supplies would you take if you were going to be stranded on an island? (Imagine your nutritional needs have been met, these are a bonus!) Just before Yom Kippur Ehud Banai takes us on a journey from Kikar Safra, Jerusalem September 21st at 8:30PM. Tour Jerusalem with City Councilman Arieh King: Thurs. Oct. 1st via Bus Registration and embarkation from the *large sukkah *in front of City Hallon Jaffa Street (easy access with the Light train)

20 Top Tips for Easy Fasting from Anglo list

Hebrew – טיפים לצום קל

Recommendations from Soroka Medical Center specialists & Adina Ben-Aharon, chief clinical dietitian at Soroka Medical Center. Thanks to Kupat Holim Clalit for sharing  this  information with us.




 The very first thing

  • No matter what your age, if you are taking any medication, consult with your doctor to find out whether you may fast and ask for instructions on how to conduct yourself on the fast day.

A few days before the fast

  • Preparation for the fast begins two or three days before the fast
  • Make sure to drink around 10-12 cups of unsweetened beverages, preferably water.
  • To prevent headaches, gradually reduce consumption of caffeine and theophylline found in coffee, tea, coca cola, chocolate, cocoa, and diet drinks. None of these should not be consumed on the day before the fast.

  • Make sure to eat set and balanced meals.

The day before the fast

  • Stay away from sweetened beverages and salty soups which generate a sense of thirst.
  • Make it a point to eat frequent, small meals. At each meal, make sure to eat complex carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes and pasta, with a serving of protein such as eggs, cheese, fish and meat, along with a vegetable side dish.
  • Avoid gassy foods like legumes, cabbage, cauliflower and carbonated beverages.
  • Even if you do not feel thirsty, make sure to drink plenty of water.

The final meal before the fast

  • Stay away from alcoholic beverages.
  • Continue to avoid gassy foods.
  • To avoid heartburn, aftertastes, and a sense of thirst on the fast day, stay away from salty, spicy and heavily seasoned foods as well as anything fried or fatty.
  • To avoid a feeling of heaviness, abdominal pressure and fatigue, don’t overeat at the final meal – you’ll have an easier fast if you don’t stuff your stomach.

What to serve at the final meal

  • Clear soup – go easy on the salt.
  • Complex carbohydrates: rice, potatoes and pasta.
  • Protein: fish, chicken, turkey, meat, tofu for vegetarians, eggs, and soft cheeses.
  • Cooked vegetables of any kind.
  • Fats: oil, avocado, tahina and humus – these can be tossed in a salad or served separately.
  • Drinks: water or tea.

After the fast

To avoid discomfort, it is important not to overeat immediately after the fast.


The incredible egg

Did you know that one egg has 6 grams of protein and all 9 essential amino acids? They are easily digestible so serving eggs after a fast makes good sense.  If scrambled, sunny-side up, boiled or poached does not appeal to you, try serving a ‘pashtida’ or quiche for a light yet nourishing meal.

Post 21.What three endless food supplies would you take if you were going to be stranded on an island?

I imagine that this island would have all the seeds, spices, nuts, berries, all vital and free for the picking. We just experienced a Shmittah year, where farmers left their acreage open to the public. This Rosh Ha Shana I  picked pomegranates off a tree in the local park. Clean water, pomegranates, Of course, not everyone observes Shmittah. (Imagine your nutritional needs have been met, these are a bonus!) I know what my island would NOT be like!©

Ehud Banai concert special original festival

The show will be broadcast live from http://www.bac.org.il



* Recommended collect your tickets in advance from a Beit Avi Chai

Just before Yom Kippur Ehud Banai takes us on a journey from Kikar Safra, Jerusalem

September 21st at 8:30PM. It brings together songs of prayer personal
side of Liturgical Songs and Melodies Spanish -frsiim, Ashkenazi-Hasidic and Yemenite.
Guests: Maureen great, Dawn Amram and Liron Amramdecades succeeds Ehud Banai create a musical language of spiritual locally managed to penetrate into the heart of the Israeli. His journey unfolds over decades of creating and searching for a local musical language across borders. Ancient voices from various traditions are intertwined with personal voice and a soul singer in constant motion.
With:  Ehud Banai – guitar and vocals Guest singers –Maureen great, Dawn Amram, Liron Amram Gil Smetana – musical production, bass Eran Porat – Drums creditors Paz – Guitars Elad Cohen Bonen – percussion, sampler Nitzan Chen Razel – Violin Bill Contact – Keyboards Maya Belzitsman – cello, vocals Galia Hai – viola, vocals Weigel Harush – Kamancheh, Chennai Odelia builder – Poetry


Doors open at 19:30

In cooperation with the Department for Culture and Arts, the Jerusalem Municipality


Price: ₪ 30 | Tickets 

 *Tour Jerusalem with City Councilman Arieh King: Thurs. Oct. 1st via Bus Registration and embarkation from the *large sukkah *in front of City Hallon Jaffa Street (easy access with the Light train):

Tour Jerusalem with City Councilman Arieh King
via Bus with ISRAEL LAND FUND 18 Tishrei /1 Oct –


 Tour Jerusalem with City Councilman Arieh King via Bus with ISRAEL LAND FUND 18 Tishrei /1 Oct –Thursday 3rd day of Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot 1st departure:

 9:30 – 1:30,

2nd departure: 2:00 – 6:00

Registration and embarkation from the large sukkah in front of City Hall on Jaffa Street (easy access with the Light train).  

Join the indefatigable City Councilman, Arieh King, on a guided tour of the Jerusalem City Model at City Hall and learn 1st hand of its intrigues. See for yourself the important significance of Atarot, the old airport in the northern section of Jerusalem. Visit Beit HaShiva, the area where one of the first pioneers moved into East Jerusalem in 1968. Meet and greet the latest group of brave Jewish pioneers who now live in the eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Beit Hanina. Grasp personally the enormity and depth of the Mt. of Olives cemetery and visit to its neighboring Jewish community Ma’ale Zeitim.

Both tours in English. An experience long to be remembered. 65 NIS, payable 15 minutes before starting. Exact amount of cash would be appreciated. Suggested tips: bring a hat, nosh, lots of water and your intellectual curiosity. Reservations required: Michael – preferred via email: tzioni.saruf@gmail.com 054-460-3304.

The Ring Neighborhoods of Jerusalem (Hebrew: שכונות הטבעת‎) are eight suburban neighborhoods built as satellites to central Jerusalem. The first neighborhoods built after 1967 were Ramot, French Hill, Neve YaakovPisgat Ze’ev, East Talpiot, and Gilo. In the 1990s, Ramat Shlomo and Har Homa were added to the list. The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over East Jerusalem and considers the neighborhoods illegal settlements, but the Israeli government disputes this.

Post 200: MOFO Challenge Day 20 Sunday September 20th 2015 Watching out for Shatnez – Keeping Shmittah after Rosh Ha Shannah -Annual P’tach Fundraiser- Inviting the community to a Special Aseret Y’mei Tshuva Shiur given by Rabbanit Shani Taragin: “Rachel Immenu and Devora Haneviah: Of Milk & Honey הבן יקיר לי אפריים”all today Green IoT Hackathon at Hansen House, Night of scientists in 2015 Date: 21/09/2015 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m at Bloomberg Science Museum Veganize an Old family recipe “Stuffed Cabbage” used by Bela Parnes from Moosewood Cookbook

“Karen Gold” karentgold

Mrs. Rachelle Fraenkel (mother of Naftali Fraenkel hy”d) will be speaking in English at the annual P’tach fundraising raffle tonight (Sunday, Sept. 20) at 8:00 p.m. at the home of Lisa Goldenhersh, Rechov Admor M’Boyan 34 in Har Nof.

Light buffet will be served.

The evening will benefit P’TACH-Jerusalem, which provides specialized educational progarms for children with learning disabilities (www.ptach.org.il)

Admission: 100 shekels
Raffle ticket: 380 shekels (includes admission)
All donations are considered ma’aser.

For further information and to RSVP, write to ptachjerusalem@gmail.com or call 02-6511356.

Inviting the community to a Special Aseret Y’mei Tshuva Shiur given by Rabbanit Shani Taragin:

“Rachel Immenu and Devora Haneviah: Of Milk & Honey הבן יקיר לי אפריים”

Sunday, September 20, 8pm

Rehov Hashla 22

Shaare Hesed, Jerusalem

This shiur is being sponsored in memory of Devora Golowa A”H and Rochie Shoretz A”H.

This evening, I responded to an invitation by the Shaare Chesed  community to a special Aseret Y’mei Tshuva Shiur given by Rabbanit Shani Taragin: “Rachel Immenu and Devora Haneviah: Of Milk & Honey הבן יקיר לי אפריים”.

My address is Mircaz Ha’Ir merely a ten minute walk away. Firstly, I didn’t know the connection between the two women, Devora Golowa A”H and Rochie Shoretz A”H), whose memory was being honored. I learned from Rochie and Devora’s  Matan and Michlalah Seminary classmates  in the time before the speaker arrived, that  the two shared the bond of women battling breast cancer. My interaction with Cancer Support was limited. There was Cancer-Care and Gilda’s Club. “Dr. Susan Love’s Breast Book” (Da Capo Press, 2010) now in its fifth edition, was the only medical material on the scene, the first edition was 1991.

However, to plan out a strategy to fight the battle was tough. Tougher than tough. No internet. Doctors sat across from the patient over a  great divide. I had taken a Medical Sabbatical in 2000 and decided to attend a conference at NYU where the chemotherapy options post treatment, by the drug companies no less, would be laid out. These were the beginnings of groups seeking prevention of the disease. The Great Neck Breast Cancer Coalition arose , where women volunteers were actually dividing up neighborhoods and counting incidences of Cancer. There was community resistance to this measurement as no-one wanted to have their street branded. I was at the end of my treatment. Ruchie was just starting. She was seeking generals to help her plan out a strategy to fight the battle.

Imagine a huge auditorium filled with women and a few men, all close to social security age and beyond, focused on metastatic breast cancer. And then I came upon Rochie, the exact age of my youngest daughter. She was there from Teaneck to plead her case for young women with Breast Cancer. I felt comfortable with Ruchie and didn’t identify with the woman with a metastatic diagnosis. Hashem in his ultimate kindness has spared me that suffering.

I stepped back when I realized that Ruchie was campaigning and simultaneously beginning to undergo treatment. She had already established a center! I recall that she asked some questions about nutrition, the discussion was mainly about trials. She already knew that she’d  be living with the disease at her side. I  felt  encouraged to see so many “survivors” in the audience. In vogue then was to bring survivors together to get a “pep” talk.

No-one in the audience was a 40 year survivor.

Ruchie and I  both realized this without comment. However, these women were strangers . In those days in general,  survivors didn’t talk about surgeries and treatment options. It was some kind of “Bubameise”. I felt terribly alone. Ruchie didn’t  admit those feelings to me.

I came home as she did and started to look around. Maybe she did too. Perhaps my neighbors in their 70’s and 80’s had breast cancer and were still around twenty years later? Had they only revealed this?

That Shabat, the year after my diagnosis,  I made a ” Seudat Hoda’ah” in my synagogue. At a time of illness, when the bodily forces are greatly weakened, we begin to feel that we are standing at death’s doorstep. At precisely this point, our spiritual nature gains strength and renewed energy.

This strengthening of spirit is the assistance G-d provides to the sick. “God will support him on the bed of illness.” In fact, that is the very purpose of illness! Ill health allows us to rise above our lowly desires and free ourselves from worldly distractions. When the physical realm is fragile and inadequate, when we are confronted with our own physical mortality, we are forced to re- evaluate our lives and our priorities. After the seuda, I walked home with a woman, 20 years my elder, and she confided that she was a survivor.

At the same time as the conference some grass-roots movements had sprung up. A group in Great Neck New York, started collecting evidence has that that over the the years has shown that several chemicals which we are exposed to on a daily basis may act as “estrogen mimickers”. It wasn’t overnight.

Ruchie belonged to a group of pioneers that lived “Seudat Hoda’ah”, every day and changed the face of Breast Cancer treatment, and did this with their back against the wall.

How may we see this through the lens of Torah? Rabbanit Shani Taragin, wove a fascinating discussion of prophesy through the story of Devorah and Rachel.

The shiur began with a description of the weakened band of the generation of Yaacov. The Sons Shimon and Levy had brought calumny on the family by their destruction of Shem. All the nations came to surround Shem. What is Yakov’s response? He listened to Hashem, to go to Beit El. He gathered up his household, fled from his blood thirsty brother. He buit an alter to Hashem to give thanks that he survived to built for the future.

What does that reveal? In a time of strife, turn to Hashem, give ear, consolidate and cut your loses. Jacob became very frightened and was distressed; so he divided the people who were with him and the flocks and the cattle and the camels into two camps.And he said, “If Esau comes to one camp and strikes it down, the remaining camp will escape.”And Jacob said, “O God of my father Abraham and God of my father Isaac, the Lord, Who said to me, ‘Return to your land and to your birthplace, and I will do good to you.’ I have become small from all the kindnesses and from all the truth that You have rendered Your servant.

Yes, modesty is the truest of virtues. How did Rochie dream such dreams and still maintain her modesty? This is the greatest challenge and Rochie conquered it.

This post is for the “Teckies”. Religious ones too.

Shaarei Chesed Shatnez Laboratory

מ ר‘ דוד ברוך

עבדת השעטנז שערי חסד

Shaarei Chesed

Shatnez Laboratory

מעבדת השעטנז שערי חסד

Opening hours

for Drop off and Pick up:

Sunday and Thursday 9 am – 12:3o pm

Rechov HaRan 1o (ground floor) Family Broch

Or call for an appointment –

02 500 3456

ר‘ דוד ברוך R’ Dovid Broch

Under the Guidance of: Maran HaGaon Rav Binyomin Moskovits א’’שליט

Approved by: Maran HaGaon Rav Shmuel Auerbach א’’שליט

Mora D’asra HaRav Rosenthal א’’שליט: For an explanation of Shatness and the tests for it:

The Torah teaches about the power of combinations and warns against mixing the wrong things together. One of these is the prohibition against wearing a mixture of wool and linen in the same piece of clothing, as it is written, “You shall not wear combined fibers, wool and linen together” (Deut. 22:11).

In Hebrew, this forbidden mixture is called “shatnez” (pronounced shot-nezz).

Shatnez is an acronym for “combed, spun and woven,” which describes the stages in processing fabric: combing the raw fiber, spinning fibers into a thread, and weaving the threads into cloth.

We send suspicious items to a shatnez laboratory for checking.

The mitzvah of shatnez still applies today. We observe the mitzvah by checking manufacturer labels on the clothes we buy, and by sending suspicious items (like wool suits and coats) to a “shatnez laboratory” for checking.

Clothes are a unique part of being human; only people wear clothes. Shatnez is a constant reminder that all our actions must be “kosher.”

Interestingly, “holy garments” are exempt from the prohibition of shatnez. For example, the special garments worn by a Kohen while serving in the Holy Temple contained both wool and linen. Similarly, it is theoretically permitted to wear tzitzit that has shatnez (though there are technical factors which don’t allow this today). The explanation may be that these garments are already inherently “kosher.”


The Torah does not explain the reason for shatnez, and it is categorized as a chok — a law whose logic is not evident. The Torah has many such laws; we do not know why pork is forbidden, for example. And the prohibition of shatnez is equally strong.

Why did God make a chok in the first place? What’s the purpose of a commandment whose reason we have no inkling of?

The power of a chock is as follows: If the reasons for all the mitzvot were as obvious as “don’t murder” or “don’t steal,” then a person could go through life without developing a relationship with God. How so? Just as there are many fine, upstanding people who don’t murder — not because they believe in God, but simply because they understand that it’s wrong — we might likewise observe mitzvot simply because they “make sense.”

Leaving God out of the picture would be missing the point entirely.

Leaving God out of the picture would be missing the point entirely. That would be humanism, not Judaism.

Having said all this, God still wants us to use our intellect to understand the mitzvot to the best of our ability. Thus the commentators suggest different “explanations” for shatnez.

One idea is that he mixing wool and linen upsets the environmental and/or metaphysical fabric of the universe. God created different species that work together in the symphony of creation. Our job is to respect and appreciate this diversity and help maintain this special orderliness.

The Midrash suggests that the reason stems from the story of Cain and Abel, as recorded in Genesis chapter 4. Cain brought God an offering of flax (the source of linen) and Abel brought a sheep (wool). The incident resulted in Cain killing Abel, and it was thus decreed that never again shall the two substances mix.

This is perhaps hinted to by the Torah juxtaposing the prohibition of shatnez with the imperative to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18-19). Each person must cherish his own uniqueness and not feel threatened by others. Cain did not understand that he and his brother had different tasks in life, different roles in creation.


Shatnez is forbidden when it is worn as a normal garment — i.e. to protect from the cold, rain and heat.

It is therefore permitted to try on a new outfit for size, even though it may contain shatnez.

The smallest amount of shatnez is forbidden, even a wool suit whose buttons are sewn with linen thread.Even the smallest amount of shatnez is forbidden. For example, if you have a wool suit and the buttons are sewn with linen thread, it is forbidden to wear the suit until the linen thread is removed.

Someone who discovers they are wearing shatnez is required to remove the garment immediately.It is likewise forbidden for a Jew to manufacture or sell shatnez clothing, unless he can be certain that only non-Jews will purchase it.


Clothes that list wool or linen on the label should be taken to a certified shatnez laboratory, where they will be checked under a microscope. Checking a suit usually costs around $10.

Even though only one of the two forbidden fibers is listed, the odds of finding shatnez is greatly increased. Manufacturers are not required by law to reveal every element in their clothing. Even if a garment says 100 percent wool, it may legally still contain linen threads. For example, linen neckties often have a wool lining.

Garments are usually safe from shatnez if neither linen nor wool are mentioned on the label. Though men’s suits and winter coats should be checked for shatnez regardless of the listed materials.

Also be aware of clothes containing reprocessed materials or unknown fibers, frequently listed on garment tags as O.F. (other fibers).

Once the shatnez is removed, it becomes permitted to wear the garment.In many cases, the shatnez can be easily removed because the wool and linen are not combined in the basic fabric of the garment. Once the shatnez is removed, it becomes permitted to wear the garment. For example, shatnez is commonly found in men’s suits which are made of wool or wool blends. To retain the shape of the collar area, a canvas stiffener is generally sewn into the collar, and linen is the fabric considered by the clothing industry as being the best material for this purpose. The more expensive the suit, the greater the likelihood that linen is used. If linen is found in a collar canvas, it can easily be removed and replaced with a non-linen canvas.

Years ago I had the opportunity to be in Russia. American money was so valuable there that I was able to ride a public bus for one-tenth of one cent. Everything was so cheap, so one day I went to the biggest department store in Moscow, determined to buy the most expensive item I could find. After searching through aisles of mostly-empty shelves, I came to the men’s clothing department where I bought a brand new suit for the equivalent of 5 dollars!

When I returned home, I went to the local shatnez-testing lab. There they had a chart on the wall, showing the percentage of suits found to contain shatnez, based on their country of manufacture. Suits from Russia have shatnez 95 percent of the time! I decided to have the lab check it anyway, and they reported back that the suit was so rife with shatnez mixture that it could not even be fixed. This story is more the exception than the rule, but I learned a good $5 lesson!

To locate a shatnez lab in your city, visit http://shatnez.n3.net/, or call the National Committee of Shatnez Testers at 800-SHATNES (800-742-8637).

Those interested in training to become a shatnez tester can contact the National Committee of Shatnes Testers and Researchers at 732-905-2628.


There are a few more details about shatnez that are important to know.

It is permitted to wear a linen garment over a wool garment, or vice versa, since they are not attached to each other. For example, it is permitted to wear a linen jacket and wool pants, or a linen scarf wrapped around a wool dress, or a linen tie under a wool jacket.

Buttoning a wool and linen garment together — even on a permanent basis — is not considered an attachment because the garments can be easily unfastened. It is therefore permitted to wear a wool coat together with an inner lining of linen, if they are buttoned (but not sewn) together. The same applies with snaps or Velcro, since they can be easily detached.

There is one restriction, however, in wearing wool and linen garments on top of each other: One needs to determine if the inner garment can somehow be removed without completely removing the outer garment. If not, then the garments are considered attached to one another. Therefore, wearing wool pants over linen underwear is considered shatnez. So when wearing one garment of wool and one of linen — like coats, sweaters, jackets, dresses and blouses — one must determine if the garments underneath can be removed without removing the top one first.


One final issue:

While the Torah prohibits wearing shatnez (“shatnez on the body”), “shatnez beneath the body” (e.g. upholstery and carpets) is forbidden by rabbinical prohibition. Therefore, sitting, lying, or walking on shatnez is prohibited when there is the concern that the shatnez material may come off and cling to the body.

This prohibition largely depends on the softness of materials used. For example, if the shatnez material used in the seat of a chair is soft or plush, it is forbidden to sit on the chair.

Sitting or walking on shatnez is prohibited when the materials may come off and cling to the body.

Wool carpets can also be a problem, as linen is sometimes used as a backing. Walking barefoot or sitting on a shatnez carpet would be prohibited where there is direct body contact. If the carpet is tightly woven, and loose threads are unlikely to come off, the carpet would not be a problem.

If there is doubt about the fabric content of upholstery and carpets, you should arrange to have them checked by a shatnez laboratory.

There is a story about the “Steipler,” a great 20th century rabbi. He arranged for a date with a young woman in a distant town, which necessitated taking a train to get there. The night before the train ride, he stayed up all night learning Torah, thinking that he could make up his lost sleep on the train. But upon entering the train, he suspected that the seat cushions contained shatnez — and wound up standing throughout the entire journey, continuing to study.

When the Steipler arrived and met the young woman (actually the sister of the Chazon Ish) for their “first date,” he proceeded to fall asleep right away. The woman was riled, but upon checking into the matter she discovered what had happened — and was so impressed that she insisted they be married!

For further reading, see the book, “A Guide to Shatnez,” by Rabbi Dovid Loebenstein (available at eichlers.com).

with thanks to Gavin Enoch reprinted from Aishe Ha Torah

Displaying Shmitta Shiur2015.jpg
For Women Rav Ari Wiesenfeld Sunday September 20th Netzah corner Ramban/Ibn Ezra 11AM

2. Keeping Shmittah after Rosh Ha Shannah

3. Green IoT hackathon


  • Sunday, October 11, 2015 10:00 AM to Wednesday, October 14, 2015, 6:00 PM

  • Hansen House, which is across for the Jerusalem Theater

    Gdalyahu Alon St 14, Jerusalem

  • In this event we seek to bring together designers,software developers, hardware people, journalists, makers, and creative technologists to create prototypes of ideas for sustainable future. The idea is to use IoT devices , mobile applications, and sustainable technology to create new solutions for variety of topics to be implemented in the Hansen house, garden, and facility as a showcase. Students, professionals, and anyone that like to do hands-on projects are welcome, with or without experience in Green IoT. For registration, please fill in this form: http://goo.gl/forms/5tuZp8tkuQ

4. Night with scientists in 2015


Night of scientists in 2015 marked neuroscience: Mauna Leone Date: 21/09/2015 4:00 p.m-10:00 p.m.


Monday, September 21 from 16:00 to 22:00 (That’s the Israeli military way of keeping time).

16:00 – Free admission to the museum and all events. What scientists do when they get up in the morning? How scientific discoveries are revealed? Researchers’ Night continues the annual tradition since 2006 in which the public is invited to explore, discover and be enthusiastic world of science.

Researchers’ Night at the Science Museum in Jerusalem is an event of meetings with researchers, guided tours, activities for the whole family and dealing with key issues related brain research.

The event sponsored and funded by the European Union and the Ministry of Science and Technology and Space.


Families 16:00 to 20:00

Nice to meet you, brain – brain surgery visit to the front of the spectators!  (Hours: 17:30, 19:00)

Tour minds – a demonstration that takes viewers to a guided tour of the human brain and familiarize yourself with the main parts (hours: 16:30, 17:30, 18:30)

Open Lab – how to study the brain? Meeting with young researchers from the Hebrew University and participation in trials dealing with the human brain. (Hours: 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.)

Participating laboratories:

Laboratory processing of language, Department of Psychology | Dr. Inbal Arnon

Human Brain Research Laboratory, Center Edmond J. and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences | Prof. Amir Amadi

Exile climbs –  the illusion of perspective in building custom (hours: 16:30 to 20:00)

Meditation listened enhanced national attention Slcm- participation in the work of Dr. Ricardo Boulder Tel Aviv University. Event initiated by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Space. (Time: 18:30)

BBQ EU –  Presentation of research supported by the European Union (hours: 17:00 – 21:00)

  • Human Brain Project –  a new approach to brain research, which also includes a computerized simulation of neural networks using supercomputers. An international study with the participation of Prof. Idan Segev. Presenter: Guy ram.

  • Brain and time –  molecular mechanisms of physiological and behavioral rhythms fruit fly. Saul species and Prof. Sebastian Kdnr.

Guided tour of museum exhibits (hours: 17:00, 18:00, 19:00)

Flight of life – showing of a three-dimensional nature (hours: 18:45, 20:00)

Youth and Adults 8 p.m. to 10 p.m.

ALL-MOST – the creation of contemporary dance that examines moments of near-contact and cognitive and neural responses resulting from these moments.

The result of an innovative collaboration between these choreographer Ben-Aharon and brain researcher Dr. Assaf volume. They bring to the practice of research into the dance studio offering creative space, in real time, an experiment that examines the reactions of the audience and the dancers act.

20:00 – Workshop  early registration.  Ages 16 and up only.  Space is limited 

20:30 – dance performance
21:00 – dialogue with the creators

A guided tour of the exhibition ‘illusions’ (Time: 21:30)

School groups – by appointment only

The tenth through twelfth graders 15:30 to 18:00

Speed ​​Diiting- brief meetings with graduate students from the Hebrew University in brain research.

A guided tour of the exhibitions’ illusions’ and’kaftz’h ‘ 

Laboratory Ftohh- meeting with investigators and participating in trials dealing with the human brain

“Seeing through the ears” – how blind people can experience colors and objects through hearing, and what can be learned from the brain?Arbel Rooney’s lecture, which presents unique developments in the laboratory of Prof. Amir Amadi Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Fifth and sixth graders, 19: 00-17: 00

Mind-boggling workshop actively engaged in visual and tactile illusions and learning capacity of the brain

Guided tour of museum exhibits 

Exile Mtfst- illusion of building a personal perspective

Post 20 Veganize an old family recipe.

Stuffed Cabbage Leaves (Vegetarian – Moosewood Cookbook)

1 large head green cabbage separated (as much as you need) A whole head will make a large batch) and frozen

I carefully separate the leaves and freeze them. They can be defrosted whenever you need them and the smaller leaves make the best “pockets”

1 medium carrot, diced
1 cup chopped onion
3 Tbsp butter
1 small clove crushed garlic
1/4 cup sunflower seeds (raw, unsalted)
3/4 cup raw cashew pieces
salt/pepper to taste
1 stalk chopped celery

2 cups ricotta cheese/chopped baked tofu
1/4 cup raisins or currants
1 cup chopped apple
juice from 1 lemon
2 Tbsp Tamari
1 Tbsp honey (optional – I didn’t use this…)
extra butter/oil

1) Parboil the cabbage in a kettle of water 10-15 minutes, or until outer leaves are easily removable. This is not necessary if you feeze the leaves and defrost. Remove the 1st 12 leaves (I didn’t because the cabbage’s outer leaves were in good condition). Make sure the cabbage is cooked well/ soft  enough so leaves will not break when rolled, but not so well that they disintegrate. If you can’t get enough large-enough-to-stuff leaves from one cabbage, parboil two. Save cabbage insides to use for another dish (I made veggie broth).

2) Melt butter/olive oil  in large sauce pan. Saute vegetables, nuts and seeds (all items from “for saute” list) until onion is transparent and nuts roasted. Drain. (I did this the night before, and re-heated it the day of the brunch.)

3) Combine “to mix in” ingredients with sauteed vegetables. Mix it all well.

4) Place 3-4 Tbsp filling near the base of each cabbage leaf. Roll tightly, folding insides. Place on a buttered sheet (or pyrex dish) and brush with extra butter. Cover and bake until heated through (about 25 minutes at 325*F). (I forgot to cover them, they came out slightly browned…and quite tasty.)

Optional: serve topped with yogurt or sour cream, on a bed of rice.

I chose to make wild rice with a store-bought cilantro pesto sauce.

Post 199: MOFO Challenge Day 19 September 19, 2015 Shabat Shuvah Drasha delivered by Rabbi Ari Berman : Sin Self Perception and the art of living meaningfully from the biblical era until today 6th of Tishrea 11:AM Yeshurin Synagogue 44 Rechove King George- Using HI tech to create wearables for your “On the Go” Life http://www.meetup.com/Jerusalab/events/225155129/?a=ea2_grp&rv=ea2 Jerusalem Biennale The exhibitions of the Jerusalem Biennale 2015 are spread out around Jerusalem’s City Center in Museums galleries and Jewish institutes beginning September 25 at the David Citadel : Lunch on the go. Asian Style Noodle Salad – Serves 4


September 19, 2015 Shabat Shuvah Drasha delivered by Rabbi Ari Berman : Sin Self Perception and the Art of Living Meaningfully from the Biblical Era until today: 6th of Tishrei 11:AM

Yeshurin Synagogue 44 Rechove King George-

This blog contains info on Art, and Clothing Design and the dates , which run through the Fall season. There are many venues -they stretch across the entire center of the city for the Jerusalem Biennale 2015.

1. Course Starts (not connected to the Biennale) Wednesday, November 4, 201 6:30 PM to 10:00 PM : Shifte Ysrael 22 Beit Canada (Matnas) 


  • שבטי ישראל 22, בית קנדה, Jerusalem (map) Shifte Ysrael 22 Beit Canada (Matnas) . The instructors will speak English. 2,000 ש”ח

  • 10 מפגשים, 30 שעות
    מחיר: 2,000 ש”ח – המחיר כולל ערכת ציוד אלקטרוניקה לכל משתתף
    יום רביעי 18:30-21:00
    מנחה: זיו ברססט
    תאריך התחלה:[masked]

    במהלך הקורס יכירו המשתתפים דרכים בהן ניתן לשלב טכנולוגיה בלבוש ואביזרים. הקורס נועד לתת כלים טכנולוגיים לפיתוח אבטיפוס לאנשים מרקעים מגוונים – מהנדסים, מעצבים, אמנים. המיומנויות אותן ירכשו המשתתפים בקורס הן:

    * ידע בסיסי בתכנות בקרים
    * אלקטרוניקה בסיסית
    * הלחמת רכיבים חשמליים
    * תפירה ביד ובמכונה
    * יסודות האינטראקציה בין מחשבים ובני אנוש
    * התמקדות בממשק שבין גוף, טקסטיל וטכנולוגיה.

    אין צורך בידע מוקדם

    מומלץ להצטייד במחשב אישי (נייד) להשתתפות בקורס (במקרים מיוחדים בלבד ניתן להשתמש במחשבי המעבדה)

    During the course the participants will recognize ways in which it is possible to interweave technology into dress and accessories. The course is meant to give technological tools to develop

    אבטיפוס לאנשים מרקעים מגוונים – מהנדסים, מעצבים, אמנים. המיומנויות אותן ירכשו המשתתפים בקורס הן:

    archetype for people of varied backgrounds == engineers, designers, craftspeople. The xxxxxxxxx that the participants in the course will receive are:

    * ידע בסיסי בתכנות בקרים Basic knowledge of programming

    * ידע בסיסי בתכנות בקרים Know the Basis of the technique
    * אלקטרוניקה בסיסית Electronic
    * הלחמת רכיבים חשמליים
    * תפירה ביד ובמכונה
    * יסודות האינטראקציה בין מחשבים ובני אנוש Interaction between Computer and People
    * התמקדות בממשק שבין גוף, טקסטיל וטכנולוגיה. Advance in Study of Body, Textiles and Technology

    אין צורך בידע מוקדם No Prior knowledge

    מומלץ להצטייד במחשב אישי (נייד) להשתתפות בקורס (במקרים מיוחדים בלבד ניתן להשתמש במחשבי המעבדה)

    2. Exhibition: Art Meets Fashion; Opening Thursday September 24th 5-10 PM and will run to October 4th, 2015 11AM – 4:30 PM  at Hutzot Hayotzer Studio 9, Jerusalem.

    Hutzot Hayotzer

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Artists’ lane seen from above, from the Old City walls

    Hutzot Hayotzer, also spelled Khutsot Hayotser, is an arts and crafts lane inJerusalem, Israel, located west of the Old City walls. Its name means “the potter’s section” (compound) or “the potter’s hedge” in Hebrew and Aramaic.


    It is placed in the Valley of Hinnom between Yemin Moshe to the south, and David’s Village (Kfar David in Hebrew) and the Mamilla Mall to the north. Other nearby landmarks are the Teddy Park (named after Teddy Kollek) and Sultan’s Pool to the south.


    In biblical times, the land where Hutzot Hayotzer is located was part of the valley referred to as “Gehenna“, which was used for worship rituals. In today’s terms, it is placed within the north-south stretch of the Valley of Hinnom.

    Between 1948 and 1967, the area was a no-man’s land between the Jordanian-held Old City and the Israeli-held West Jerusalem.

    Construction on the artist’s colony began in 1969. In 2011, the artists’ collective was threatened with eviction by the East Jerusalem Development Corporation, which owns the buildings. The eviction order was rescinded, but rents were raised.

    There is no admission price. A percent of sales is to be contributed to Shaare Zedek Hospital. As yet this information is not available. More details to follow.


When I think “On the GO” I muse about making parts of the dish and keeping them separate in the fridge and then leaving my spouse to put it all together according to his taste such as the recipe below.

Post 19: Lunch on the go

Asian Style Noodle Salad – Serves 4

8 ounces spaghetti, broken in half. Sometimes i use cooked pasta and season it with spices, (cumin, chili powder, Za’tar and sprinkle oil on top and toast)
4 teaspoons olive oil
1 cup shredded carrot
1/2 red bell pepper, sliced very thin
1 cup zucchini sliced
1 cup packed lettuce

The Dressing-Reduce for Diabetics-Use Orange juice as a substitute for sugar.The dressing can be prepared un advance and also taken along for an outing in a narrow necked bottle to prevent leakage.

3 Tablespoons thick teriyaki sauce marinade (bottled ready made)/or toasted sesame oil
3 T. vinegar
2 T sugar, or melted coconut sugar (or less, as you wish)
1 t. minced garlic
Spaghetti cook and drain, rinse with cold water and drain well.
Put prepared plain or spiced pasta or spaghetti in large bowl and add oil and toss,

Then add carrot, pepper, zucchini.  In small bowl
add marinade, vinegar, sugar and garlic.

Add dressing to salad.  You may wish
to add pepper and salt
enjoy, thank G-d.